Natural Beauty of Pakistan

Introducing Pakistan                                       

Pakistan is an Islamic Republic (Official name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan) and its capital is Islamabad. Pakistan has four provinces: Baluchistan, North WestFrontier Province (NWFP), Punjab and Sindh. Their respective capitals are: Quetta, Peshawar,Lahore and Karachi. In addition to these provinces is the Federally Administered Northern Area (FANA), which is divided into the districts of Diamer, Ghanche, Ghizer, Gilgit and Skardu. There are also seven Federally Administered Tribal Areas. (FATA).


Pakistan has a federal structure. Parliament consists of the Lower House (National Assembly) and the Upper House (Senate). Members of the National Assembly are directly elected and their term of office is five years. The National Assembly determines the major policy issues and passes an annual budget and legislation. It elects the Prime Minister from among its members.
The Prime Minister forms the cabinet from among members of the Assembly and the Senate. Provinces have their own elected legislative assemblies and Chief Ministers. The Provincial Assemblies elect the majority of the members of the Upper House. 

Facts and Figures
The national language is Urdu, while the official language is English. Some of the main regional languages include Sindhi, Baluchi, Punjabi and Pushto.
Pakistan has a Population of over 130 million. At present, the growth rate is 2.8 percent per annum. The major cities are Karachi (10 million),Lahore (5.5 million),Faisalabad (2 million),Rawalpindi (928,000),Islamabad (340,286). Other cities include Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Multan and Sialkot. Major religions are Muslim (97%), Hindu (1.5%), Christian (1%) and several other minorities.


Total Area: 796,095 Sq. Km
  • Punjab Province: 205,344 Sq. Km
  • Sindh Province: 140,914 Sq. Km
  • North West Frontier Province (NWFP): 74,521 Sq. Km
  • Balochistan Province: 347,190 Sq. Km
  • Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA): 27,220 Sq. Km
  • Islamabad (Capital): 906 Sq. Km

Pakistan has large number of beautiful places and attractions to visit. Popular tourist destinations during holiday seasons are like Murree, Quetta, Swat Valley, Hunza, Ziarat, Kaghan, Chitral and Gilgit. 
Pakistan also has a long history of different cultures and traditions. Some of the popular and well-known archaeological sites are Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, Taxila, Kot Diji and Mehr Garh.

Natural Resources

Northern areas of Pakistan are blessed with some of the tallest peaks and mountains in the world in the Great Himalyians. The most popular and renowned peak is K-2 as known also Mt. Godwin Austin. Its height is about 28,250 ft. or 8611 meters which makes its 2ndhighest peak in the World after Mount Everest. Other mountains include well-known Nanga Parbat of about 26,660 ft./8126 meters (8th in World) and Gasherbrum about 26,470 ft./8068 meters (11th in World). 
Some of the famous mountain passes are The Khyber Pass, The Kurram Pass, The Tochi Pass, The Gomal Pass, The Bolan Pass, The Lowari Pass, The Khunjrab Pass. 

Pakistan has 5 major rivers, these are:
  • The Indus: 2896 km.
  • Jhelum: 825 km.
  • Chenab: 1242 km.
  • Ravi: 901 km.
  • Sutlej: 1551 km.
Some of the famous lakes are Manchar, Keenjar, Saif-ul-Maluk, Hanna. Major dams include Tarbela Dam (largest mud built dam is the world), Mangla Dam, Warsak Dam.

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