Promote Your YouTube Channel on Facebook

How to Promote Your YouTube Channel on Facebook

if you want to have a successful YouTube channel, you’re going to have to do some promoting and marketing. Fortunately, with the power of social media, getting the word out about your YouTube channel has never been easier, especially on Facebook.Facebook is the most widely used and popular social media network in the world. Over a billion people worldwide are using Facebook. That’s one-seventh of the population of the whole world!Still wondering why you should use Facebook for promoting your YouTube channel and vlogs? Probably not, right? So, with the “why” of the matter out of the way, let’s get started…

Create Your Facebook Fan Page and Start Branding

Using your personal Facebook account, you can create a fan page by clicking on the down arrow to the right of your privacy settings in the upper right hand corner of your home page. Just click “Create Page”, and you’ll be directed to select a category and start filling out the profile for your new fan page.You can even read through our step by step tutorial on creating a fan page for your YouTube channel.As you start filling in the fields for your Facebook page, keep branding in mind. You should have a recognizable logo for your YouTube channel already, so be sure to use that for your profile picture. Use another recognizable and branded picture for your cover photo, and you’ll be set to start marketing.Also, remember to include relevant keywords and phrases (for search optimization), as well as all relevant links (your channel, your blog, your other social media links, etc.) in your Facebook page.

Getting More Likes on Your Facebook Fan Page

Now that you’ve created your YouTube channel’s fan page, it’s time to start getting more followers on Facebook. When people like your page, all of your posts will show up in their newsfeeds, and when they like, comment on, and/or share your posts, their friends and followers will see your content, as well.So, the more likes you can get, the better your promotional efforts will be.To start off with, go ahead and take the opportunity to invite as many friends as possible to like your fan page. Doing this once will let them know that you’ve created a page and that you have a cool YouTube channel that they should check out.However, doing it over and over again won’t convince any hold-outs to like your page. They’ll just think you’re spamming your list, and they won’t appreciate it. Instead, try these tactics.At the end of each of your YouTube videos, mention your Facebook fan page, and link to it within the first two lines of your description so that the link is always visible and doesn’t get hidden. Don’t underestimate how powerful a call to action can be. Simply saying something like, “If you like what you’ve seen so far, like us on Facebook for regular updates and cool behind-the-scenes photos!”You can even mention that you now have a cool Facebook fan page on your other social media sites. If you have a marketing budget, you can test out Facebook advertising as well.While you’re at it, make sure to reach out to other vloggers in your niche or industry. Offer to exchange shout-outs, Facebook links, and take part in other social collaborations.

Sharing Your YouTube Videos

Your Facebook page can be a huge help in driving more viewers to your YouTube channel, but you’ll have to time your posts wisely. You don’t want to share your YouTube videos too often, as that’s likely to fill up your followers’ newsfeeds and make your marketing efforts feel like spam.Instead, look at the analytics for your YouTube channel. Note when your videos are getting the most views on YouTube. This is when your target audience is most active, so start sharing your YouTube videos on Facebook at these times.Also, take a look at where the majority of your vlog audience is located. This will allow you to keep time zones in mind when marketing your YouTube videos on Facebook.

Sharing More than Just YouTube Vlogs

Now, while we’re on the subject of sharing, let’s talk about what else you should be posting on your Facebook fan page. If you only post links to your videos, you’re only going to be posting on Facebook whenever you upload a vlog on YouTube, and that’s simply not enough.You don’t want to fill up your timeline with repeated content.
So what can you do?
Schedule about one Facebook post per day on the weekdays. You can choose whether or not to update on the weekends at your own discretion. We recommend checking your analytics for this, but we’ll get to that a little bit later on. As a rule, though, at least on the weekdays, you need to have something of interest to post on Facebook to keep your YouTube channel on your followers’ radar and to spread the word.So what can you post? Share teaser stills from upcoming vlogs. Post behind-the-scenes shots and outtakes. Setup a Facebook poll to determine what your fans want to see from you next. Post interesting links that are related to your niche or industry. Create a companion blog to your YouTube channel and share blog posts/articles from it.Whatever you post, make sure that it’s relevant and that you stay consistent, which brings us to our next point…

Maintain an Active Presence

Post regularly to Facebook, but don’t just post. Facebook is a social network, so you’re going to have to get social if you want to really get all of the use out of it possible. With mobile technology, you can easily maintain an active presence on Facebook throughout the day. You may only post once or twice, but you can also keep an eye on comments, shares, and likes.If people are commenting on your posts, don’t hesitate to respond. Answer their questions and ask a few of your own. Get involved in the conversation. The more active you are, the more approachable and friendly you’ll appear to your fans and followers.This is a big part of being successful as a vlogger. When your viewers see that you care about them and the community of your vlogging niche, they’ll build a positive bond with your content, watch more of your videos, and share your content on Facebook and other social media sites.

Start a Facebook Group for Your Channel

In addition to your fan page, where your followers can come to find out cool information and videos related to your YouTube channel, you can also create a Facebook group dedicated to discussions and fan posts about your industry or niche.This will basically be like a forum dedicated to topics relevant to your channel and to the interests of your audience.Encourage your followers to join the group and post their own ideas, tips, tricks, and questions, as well as interesting links. Don’t forget to get involved with the group. Respond to posts with positivity and watch your following and engagement grow!