Google Adsense Approval 2015

Google Adsense Approval 2015 

When I Started Blogging, my main goal is to Google AdSense Approval and making some decent money through blogging. Now a Days, Google AdSense is one of the most popular part of blogging. Hah! This things is truly for me. All the newbie blogger and webmaster who have their own blog or create new one with comes behind the main goal is to approve their blog with  google adsense and making some decent money. But this thing does not working with everyone as myself also.

Google AdSense Approval Trick

How to Get Adsense Approval

Google adsense is worlds largest advertise network. AndIt’s dream of every blogger or website owner to get his/her adsense account. But there are lots of Google’s strict policy that you must have to follow regarding your blog and website before you apply for the approval. Now a days, Google stricts to approval of blog just because of like me, there are lots of people who started blogging with copy/paste and posting low quality copyright content to their site. That’s why Google became more strict to approving adsense account.So if are facing that kind of problems like Google not approving adsense application for my blog ? My blog being continuously disapproving by Google Adsense ? then just keep calm and read this article. This will damn sure to help you to get your own adsense account.There are lots of way to approve google adsense account like Youtube Monetization Technique, Buy Adsense Account through resellers and through Hubpages but all this things does not work with all of us. You need to know about that.
1) Youtube Monetization Technique:
Very first point if you are video addicted person and want to make some money then this is for you or if you are not or you need to use advertise to your blog then you need to do is to create youtube channel and upload 4-5 unique videos, don’t upload copyright or already uploaded videos this will affect you by adsense or google banned if you do this. You just need to upload 4-5 unique videos and doing some setting related to video monetization technique.
2) Buy AdSense Account From Re-Sellers:
Last couple of days, one my new Facebook friend with the moment of chatting he said me ‘Hey Harshil, You Want AdSense Approval Account ?. suddenly on my mind, i asked him How you have to provide me adsense account. Then he said I gave adsense account based on 10$, You just have to  give me 10$ and i gave you one newly created adsense account. And without any hesitation i said no. Because i know this all is just of fake.. Because already one of my friend move through this process and he failed because they gave you account based on some fake approval and then on 2-3 days adsense account close. so if any of your friend asking you to get adsense account then please don’t do this. This all are the fake methods.I know getting rejection from google adsense is frustration period for us. Many of us or newbie blogger who get rejection from give up try and few of quite blogging also same with me too. I already 4-5 try for my infinea but they reject with different different reply and reply like ‘You have insufficient content’, ‘Your address verification does not match’, Copyright content on your blog’ but i don’t give up i just another try and this time i got approval .In this face of blogging you need to keep calm and give some times for your blog.Actually there are lots of requirement to get adsense approval. Google strick now a days,  You have to follows their policy if you want to get adsense account. So in today’s article i share some of points that , you must have to follow. so i recommended you to read full article with open mind and full concentration.If you are newbie blogger and want  to get adsense account then just follow this steps geneun. I am 100% damn sure you got adsense account within a 5-6 month. So Let’s start…Points to be Noted Before Applying for Google Adsense(Goole Adsense Approval).

1) To Buy Top Level Domain:

Those days are gone, when people get approved their blog with subdomain or with blogspot blog domain. Still google also approved subdomain blog but only if your blog should have nice and clean navigation design, unique high level contents, Good traffic and all other things.
Top Level Domains
If you have to get adsense approval you need to have buy top level domain, I mean top level domain is like
Free Domain — JustWebWorld.Blogspot.Com
Top level Domain — JustWebWorld.Com
I think now you know the difference between top level and free site domain. To get Top level domain there are lots of websites available with purchasing domain like GoDaddy, BigRock and many others.

2) Good Design Template/Theme and Easy Navigation Layout:

Another very important point you should have to follow is to use Good design template wheather using crack or copyright templates. Likewise Infenia’s Template. In blogging if your content is good and catchy word but your theme or template does not look proper then you know that no one can read your aticle. Do proper navigation to your template, your menus with labels and do proper header tag so visitor should know that.
3) Domain Age :
Google adsense’s policy especially for asian countries like India, Pakistan and China is that your blog should have 6 month old or your domain has 6 month old. But this is not fixed period if your blog have well optimized, well and unique contents and you getting sufficient traffic, then you can also get adsense account before that period of time. Even also I have my own experience with my Just Web World Blog.

4) No. of Post/Content on your blog:

You should have at least 35-40 unique and high quality article on your blog. Unique and High Quality means your content should now be copyright material and don’t copy from others and paste on your blog. This is the most important part of your blogging, You have to publish fresh and unique content. Quality contents matter lot, not quantity contents. Quality content means which are well developer and researched and then publish.Remember ‘Content is the king’. You must publish unique and fresh content, Do noticed quantity not matter lot but Quality always matters.
5) Traffic:
Another noticed point is Traffic. Traffic is essential part of blogging. You must have at least 100-200 daily visit on your blog. You can easily get this traffic from many of social sites and but also you have to get traffic from Search Engines too. So try to do share your content on social sites and use proper keyword on your content to get search engine traffic also. submit your blog/site to many of search engine so you can get easily search traffic to your blog.
6) Necessary Pages on Your Blog:
There are some important pages you have to add on your blog if you want to get approval. This pages also get better user experience with your blog readers too. Google always focus on better user experience. Most of our blogger/newbie blogger friend don’t create or add this page on their blog. Having this pages create a good impression to your blog reader. So try to add this 4 important page on your blog.
–> About Me:-  when someone comes to your blog and read your article, then he/she always search who is the author of this blog. most of visitor always check about page when they last leave from your blog. So in about me page you need to write about your blog and also about yours too.
–> Contact Us:- Another most important page of your blog is Contact Page. If someone want to contact you then how they ? Just because simply add contact us page in your blog/site. This one will help you in future when your blog is branding and someone want to add their advertise on your blog.
–> Privacy policy:-  According to Google adsense policy, You must have to provide privacy policy page that contains information about cookies and user’s session data or specific/location information stored on.
–> Sitemap:- Sitemap page display your all content details like how many post on your blog, in which post on which label or specific post on which category.So you must have to add this after applying adsense for your blog.
Final Words
While follow the above step you just need to be calm and do fresh posting to your blog so that your visitor can get something new. Once your blog compatible with the above policy’s, then apply for the Google adsense. I damn sure you can easily get Google adsense approval account. Share This Post with your Friends on Social Media And let me know via comment and Contact us form if this above point is useful for you.. Enjoy :) :)

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