Pakistan According to My Dream

 Pakistan According to My Dream

Some scholar said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  I believe in it so I believe in beauty of my dreams. I have dreams for my beloved motherland Pakistan. I have dreams for it because I am daughter of this soil, I enjoy the soothing breeze of its mountains, I sit under its shady tress, I drink the cool and sweet water of its springs, it loves me like a mother and I love it too much.Before I discuss my dreams, first let’s talk about today’s Pakistan. Today in Pakistan, our countrymen are facing a lot of problems. These problems include terrorism, racism, provincialism, fanaticism, extremism and many more isms. All these tendencies which fan the forces of separatism and disruption would be eliminated if the main problem to these social evils would be put down. In order to cure the disease, we need a diagnosis and I will also try to find the root cause of these illnesses.The main problems we are facing today are ignorance, disunity and poverty. Come let’s talk about them and then the solutions to them.IGNORANCE! Ignorance is the basic mistake done from past fifty years when the government should have spent money on education for all. Do you know why there was ignorance? It was because the people were uneducated. They didn’t have manners and the big power countries of the world were laughing on them.Pakistan of my dreams is filled up with the best scholars of the world and everyone is well educated. Their chant is always the same and that is “Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world”. I can see in my dream that none of the students has to leave the school because of teachers’ strict behaviour. Schools, colleges and universities are providing education not just working as degree issuing machines. People in the villages have best educational institutions on their door-step. Now there is no brain drain, rather students from different parts of the world come to Pakistan for education. We have many universities in the top ranking universities lists.DISUNITY! Unity plays a vital role in our society but the Muslims are not united and this is the worst thing! When you ask someone who are you? The usual replies are Panjabi, Balochi, Pathan etc. Nobody says that they are Muslims and Pakistanis. Whenever I hear such replies, my heart sinks. In my dreams, Pakistan would be united. There won’t be any major groups.In my dream Pakistan the headlines news will not be about killings, blasts, frauds, ethnic differences, but they will be about big deeds of our youngsters. Inter-faith and intra-faith harmony will be the order of the day. There won’t be flags of so many different colours but one Pakistani green and white flag with its shining crescent and a star will flutter on every building.POVERTY! Not so very long ago, a Pakistani could proudly say, while drawing a comparison with India where millions slept hungry at night, that no-one in his country went to bed with an empty stomach and today Poverty in Pakistan is a growing concern. Poverty is well known in Pakistan and is largest in country areas. Poverty is the lack of basic human needs, such as clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter because of the less power to have enough money for their needs. Poverty is the condition of having fewer resources or less profits than others countries. The literacy rate of Pakistan is very low. Most of people do not have any idea about the modern sources. These things are taking Pakistan to a poor environment.In my dream Pakistan all the people will have approach to clean drinking water, they will have enough to eat, appropriate to wear and enough place to reside in. No one will sleep on the footpaths, where the bread will be cheaper than the bullet and human beings will be treated as the most important creation.“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”I am not hopeless at all. I have strong faith in Almighty Allah. He will bring good from the evil. Many nations faced the same situation in the past and we are no exception. The only thing needed today is that belief in Almighty Allah and then hard work is required to materialize the dreams.  Everyone in this world is prone to dreaming, as dreams are natural. One always dreams of how they want their future to be, hence I have a dream for a Pakistan which is much different than the one we see today. In my dream Pakistan would be a state where no one would be a victim of racism, communalism and provincialism, hence everyone would be living harmoniously. Firstly I would remove communalism, whatever its shape or form. All the tendencies in the society which support the forces of separatism and disruption and which help them grow would no longer exist in the nation, in fact they would be eliminated by its own people's needs to live peacefully. Unity amongst the inhabitants would exist and violence and corruption would not describe the nation's instability.Then in my dream I see Pakistan as scientifically advanced and developed, technology is much better and the agriculture sector of the nation is properly maintained and very well organized and maintained. In my dream version of Pakistan science and scientific ideas and knowledge rule the affairs in the region and not raw emotionalism or rough sentimentalism. Pakistan would be at its peak of technological progress.Pakistan would be self-sufficient in food; all the waste and barren lands which lie infertile would be cultivated to achieve this self-sufficiency in food grains. The agriculture sector would be given the importance it deserves as Pakistan is an agro based economy and the sector is the largest sector in the country. There would be betterment brought into the sector through an agrarian revolution, comprehensive agricultural programs would be launched and farmers would be given facilities to buy and use better seeds and fertilizers.In my dream the country is industrialized extensively. This age is of machines and industrialization within the country and it's not possible for the country to reach the peak of progress and prosperity without industry. I would also make Pakistan's defense stronger, the country would be so powerful and strong that no enemy nation would dare to look on the sacred soil of Pakistan with violent eyes. Defense and security of the people would be of chief importance and the country's defense forces would be equipped with modern defense equipment.The next feature in my dream for Pakistan is the eradication of ignorance and illiteracy in the state, because these features ruin a country and the future of its people. The population would be educated on a large scale and democracy would prevalent in the nation. With better literacy and a more responsible government the bridge between the rich and the poor would be lessened. Income would be distributed more fairly amongst groups in the society and provisions of housing, food and clothing would be given much more priority in the state of my dreams. In order to achieve all these changes, socialism needs to be practiced and believed in the nation to bring about economic equality.A dream that I have of Pakistan, could be made reality with years of efforts by everyone. In my dream, Pakistan is a powerful country, a guiding light for the weaker countries that are still doing as they are told by the other super powers

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