A piece of making Eid exceptional incorporates evacuating those deterrents that prompt anxiety and dissatisfaction. This can run from getting lost while in transit to supplications to God to finding an unattractive stain on new garments ultimately.Setting up a day and all the more ahead of time helps fight off potential issues and helps everybody appreciate the occasion in style and cool. Here are 18 things you can do to help make Eid cheerfuland agreeable for all.
1. Iron Clothes a Night Before
When the garments have been selected, squander no time pressing and hanging them up. Doing this the prior night helps you get everything prepared while despite everything you're smooth, along these lines less inclined to blaze the garments in a spur of the moment pressing surge.
2. Set  Breakfast Table a Night
BeforeSetting bowls, plates, and utensils, alongside some pleasant inflatables and an Eid pennant over the table is a decent approach to set the tone for the morning of Eid. Doing it the prior night decreases the morning surge as you're scrambling to get everything else prepared.
3. Split Up The Kids For Eid Prayer
Choose which children will run with which parent the day preceding Eid petitions to God. Time after time, fathers dump the whole obligation of dealing with the kids on moms' shoulders. The circumstance frequently gets to be unmanageable as mothers will most likely be unable to watch the majority of the children.Restricted of doing this is by isolating the kin who battle the most. Another is by keeping the young ladies with mother and the young men with father. Then again infants (conception to three years) with mother and children (four to seven-years of age) with father. Each family is one of a kind so folks can choose how to part up the children. Despite how its done, the fact is to diminish interruption for folks and for others and to keep the children close by.
4. Teach Children Proper Behavior
Disclose to them before going that while Eid is a period of joy, fun, and festivity, it is not suitable to run, hop, yell and play find the stowaway with different children at the request to God place. Tossing in an alluring prize (i.e. a guarantee to go out for frozen yogurt or the recreation center soon thereafter on the off chance that they carry on) may additionally urge children to spare the silly buffoonery for after supplications to God.Additionally clarify that they must sit still and be peaceful amid the clarification of the petition to God, amid the request to God (on the off chance that they are not begging) and the Khutba that takes after. Encourage them to whisper in Mommy or Daddy's ear on the off chance that they need anything and must converse with them.
5.  Carry Comfortable Shoes With You
Wear the most comfortable shoes to straighten up your line in prayer, since you won't be worrying about where you've put your shoes. Everyone should put their initials on the bag and remember to carry it with them at all times.
father son eid celebration
6. Take Your Own Rugs With You To Pray
It is recommended to take a sheet or paper to prey on, encourage everyone in your family to bring their own.
7. Take extras for Kids
Clothes, dry snacks, juice boxes, and quiet toys for small kids.
These will prove invaluable should the baby leak through her brand new Eid clothes in the car or the toddler starts complaining about hunger or thirst right before prayer begins. A book or quiet toy per child will also prove invaluable if the kids start becoming antsy during the Khutba.
mother and daughter eid celebration
8. Visit Bathroom before leaving
This is a must especially for kids under 10. While Eid prayer places do have bathrooms, getting to them in the midst of a huge crowd can mean an “accident” or missing Eid prayer altogether.
9. Greet those whom you know and those you don't
Say Salam and embrace the individual beside you once the Khutbah is over. Is it true that it isn't humorous that we stand so physically near to somebody in request to God (shoulder to bear) yet totally overlooking them once it’s over? Embrace your request to God neighbor and at any rate wish them Eid Mubarak.On the off chance that they are distant from everyone else, welcome them over or get their telephone number and illuminate them of any Eid exercises that are coming up in your group. They may be new to the group and know no one, so be as transparent as could be expected under the circumstances.
girls eid celebration
A man once asked Prophet Muhammad, peace and endowments be upon him, what part of Islam was the best, and he said: "You ought to give sustenance, and welcome both those you know and those you don't" Bukhari, Muslim.
10.  Do Some Good Deeds
Do some charity work? Put money you can easily afford on a  bag seeking donations to cover the cost of renting the Eid prayer place. Give bigheartedly, since it normally costs thousands of dollars to book the space.

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