Chand Raat in Pakistan

Chand Raat  in Pakistan

Chand Raat or Moon’s night is a very special occasion in our country Pakistan. It is a big event in itself, without any doubt. The celebration of Eid (عید) begins from the Chand Raat (چاند رات). Before going further let us take a look and learn the theme and basics of Moon’s night.The all occasions and in the Muslim’s world calendar. Islamic calendar depends on the sightseeing of moon and change its month according to it. Muslim world has two main celebration occasions in a year and those are two Eids.

Eid-ul-Fitar or Chooti Eid:
Muslims are blessed with the Eid-ul-Fitar (عید الفطر), right after the ending of Holy month of Ramadan (رمضان). It is celebrated on the 1st of Shawal (Islamic month) till the 3rd of Shawal. Muslims all over the world fastened throughout this Holy month and then celebrate the Eid-ul-Fitar.It is also known as the Chooti Eid (چھوٹی عید) (small Eid) or Meethi Eid (میٹھی عید) (sweet Eid). These names came to us through the traditions as we make sweet dishes on this event.
Eid-ul-Adha is also known as the Bari Eid (بڑی عید) (Big Eid) or Eid-e-Qurban (عید قرباں) (sacrificing Eid). It is another big celebration day for Muslim world and they do slaughter the animals on the name of Allah the mighty.
This Eid is celebrated in the month of Zel-Hajj, right after the Muslim offers Hajj in the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia. This Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated to recall the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (A.S). Now let us come back to the topic Chand Raat in Pakistan.
Chand Raat celebration in Pakistan:
As you know that Muslim calendar depends on the moon and Fasting is not a diet for burning calories, it’s for burning pride, ego and sins. The Holy month of Ramadan is a big blessing for the Muslim nation.The very 1st thing which is performed on the Chand Raat is to rise the person who sat on Aitkaaf (last ten days special Prayer of this month). These persons sit on Aitkaaf from 20th of Ramadan till the Chand Raat. Males offer these prayers in the Mosques on the other hands women offer this Prayer at home.As this month ended up on the sight of Shawal’s Moon, Muslims around the world become ready to receive the Gift of Eid-ul-Fitar from Allah Almighty. So as the moon announcement is made from the Mosques and TV channels, the celebration of Eid begins.Families, boys and girls move towards Bazaar, markets and shopping malls to purchase some stuff for Eid. We could not forget the children on this occasion as they are the main party of this celebration. In the Holy month of Ramadan, every one remained busy with the Prayers and cooking but right after it, it is the time of celebration. A large number of crowd that belongs to all ages, come out to celebrate the Chand Raat in Pakistan.Eid announcement comes at evening so all the activities have to be performed at the same night, next day belongs to Eid. Everybody select their stuff according to will and choice or the requirement. The demands of boys and girls are totally differ with each other except the clothing. Everyone try and wish to buy a new dress on this occasion and seems excited. The preparation of Eid is an excitement in itself.The business activities boosts up to 4 to 5 times on the Chand Raat. Lights are used to decorate the markets, buildings and Mosques etc. Every face cheers up with the shopping of Eid. Chand Raat is a night of families and friends get to gather. On this occasion they buy gifts for each other and for their families. Special eatable things and products are offered to each other.Now we turn to the barber’s shop, a large crowd could be seen on its shop as everyone want to cut his hair and prepare for Eid. Islam do special care for the poor so on this time Islam ordered to give Fitrana (equal to 2 and a half KG floor price). Fitrana is an amount of things for those poor who could not meet their needs. This thing really help those to participate in the celebration of Eid but Fitrana has to be given on the Eid-ul-Fitar or Chooti Eid or Meethi Eid on Eid-ul-Adha, the meat of Qurbani animals has to be served to poor.Chand Raat is a big night in Pakistan and its celebration remains till the Fajar Prayers (فجر). Everybody wants to celebrate this night at his or her hometown.  Below we will share the attractions of Chand Raat in Pakistan.
Attractions of Chand Raat in Pakistan:
  • Purchasing of new cloths
  • Wearing of bangles
  • Putting the Mehndi on hands and feet
  • Buying the gifts for each other
  • Purchasing the sweets
  • Decorated Mosques and markets
  • Shoe stalls
  • Ladies bag stalls
  • CD’s and DVD’s stalls
  • Toys for kids
  • Matching the jewellery
  • Decorated Banks and Government buildings

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