Ecommerce Website
The goal of this article is to change the way you may think about making money on the Internet with a website.You do not need a degree in web programming or any formal training in web design. All I've done over the past several years is create information websites on topics that interest me, then I earn commissions by displaying ads and recommending related products.In fact, look at the earnings one of my sites just from displaying ads on my pages.Your site can do something like I just described or you can sell your own product or service. It's up to you. And here's the best way to build an ecommerce website without getting bogged down in the technical aspect of web design and maintenance.
Finally A Web Host For You, The BEGINNER!
Ken Evoy has created software by the name of "Site Build It!" and it has literally changed the way everyday people are profiting on the Internet. It's certainly changed my life and I now work from home full time. Watch the quick, 2-minute video below...Site Build It! is an all-in-one website creation and marketing tool that walks you through the entire process step by step by step. It builds your design, helps you create your web pages, submits your site to the "important" search engines, monitors your rankings, offers advice for making your pages rank higher, creates an online store if you want to sell products, adds feedback forms and the list goes on and on.There's no programming experience necessary and every part of this tool is completely browser based. It's all point, click and type.Ken doesn't want you to spend time learning how to build a shopping cart, program scripts, and learn HTML. He wants you to focus on running your business. SBI! will do all that backend stuff for you so you can spend time getting those sales.
An Incredible Brainstorming Tool
This is worth the price of Site Build It alone. You will receive access to a tool that is probably worth thousands of dollars to your business and that's no exaggeration. Fortunately for you it comes with the SBI! subscription and won't cost you anything extra. ;)
The brainstorming tool will literally scour the web and help you decide on the most "profitable" topic/niche as well as assist you with choosing the best search-engine friendly domain name ( will tell the tool your topic/ideas for your site by entering the keyword phrases you plan to target. It will tell you how many sites already exist on this topic, how many times certain related searches are done in Google, Yahoo, etc. and finally return a number called a "profitability index".You keep using this brainstorming tool until you've come up with a topic you are satisfied with AND has a decent "profitability" score. In other words, you're looking for a topic that is in high demand (adequate searches in Google, Yahoo, etc.) but not too much competition (how many sites already exist on that topic).
Let me reiterate....You couldn't do ANY of this without Site Build It! And don't let any other web host fool you into thinking they can. If they say they can, ask them to show you 400 examples of successful ecommerce websites like SBI! can.
Easy Web Page Building Tool
I've been rambling on and on about the brainstorming tool and haven't even touched on the actual site-building part. That's probably worth another couple of hundred dollars too. Again...lucky for you, it's included with the SBI! price. :)
You will be able to choose from several pre-designed HTML templates in all different colors and styles. Once you've decided on the "look and feel" for your site then you simply just add your text. You'll be able to customize the header, navigation, background colors, etc. with the click of a button.
There is absolutely NO PROGRAMMING needed whatsoever. All that is done behind the scenes. If you can use a mouse, you can use SBI!. Period.
Do I Have to Use Site Build It?
I would never say that you MUST use this tool to become successful with your ecommerce business. I'm only saying that you MUST use it if you're serious about success.
The reason most ecommerce websites fail is because people simply don't know how to draw in traffic to their website. They don't know how to get their sites into Google or Yahoo -- much less rank in the top 10 for their major keywords.
People waste so much time and money on ineffective promotions that bring no traffic -- such as paying for some automated submission service that promises to submit to all the search engines when these companies have no clue how to get a good rank for their own site...much less yours!
SBI! will guide your site to search engine success -- even down to choosing the most effective domain name ( And as you're building your pages it will tell you to add and subtract certain keywords, shorten your title, etc. -- all in efforts to improve your search engine rank.
My Ecommerce Success Story...
I used SBI! to create my website, because I wanted to see if this tool really worked. After only 30 days, my website was averaging over 200 unique visitors per day thanks to the free search engines! I've never gotten traffic that fast with any site I've created.
Here's a screenshot of my traffic statistics for March 2006 - only 9 months after I started my site. It took me over 2 years to get those kind of traffic numbers with this website.Why did traffic come so fast? Because the research tool that is provided helps you choose the right topic/niche and domain name to maximize the free search engine traffic - a feature no other web host provides.
In the 3rd month, I started adding Google's Adsense ads to my site and started earning an income right away. That's the nice thing about the Internet is that you can earn revenue from your site no matter the topic, thanks to affiliate programs (most are free to join).
Look at all the SBI! customers who are on top of the search engines . Hopefully you can now see that it is definitely not hype. It's for real. You just saw actual websites built by people who used SBI!. Have you ever seen a company provide that many examples of success?Those aren't programmers behind those sites. Many are novices like you who knew nothing about starting an ecommerce website. These are moms, teachers, students, and other everyday people who are looking to earn an additional income on the web.
What Kind of Site Do You Want to Create?
For those of you that already have a topic in mind....GREAT! You'll see how SBI! can help you develop it so you can build an ecommerce site that attracts lots of visitors that want to buy what you have to offer.If you're not sure exactly how you want to make money with your website that's OK. Maybe you aren't even sure what's possible out here. That's OK too.Visit this site below and discover the different ways "Site Build It" can help you achieve your income goals. I'm always amazed at the many ways this one tool can help grow so many different kinds of ecommerce websites.
Learn how to start your ecommerce website with Site Build It at
100% Money Back Guarantee
In my opinion, a company is only as good as their guarantee and SiteSell makes sure they honor what they promise. If for any reason you find SBI! is not right for you, they will refund you completely. Don't worry, though. You won't want your money back. :)