Increase your Facebook

Increase your Facebook

It’s well known that Facebook loves to decrease your fan page reach every few months. It’s not necessarily that they want to, but they have to. There are so many pages out there and the average fan likes dozens or hundreds of them, plus hundreds of friends they already have. If Facebook could show you every post, you’d have to check the newsfeed a few hours per day to catch up.
Average user spends like 40 minutes per day on FB. Anyways…
Unless you want to use paid Ads, the only way to reach a larger audience is to have a very active fan page and to pay for ads. Both strategies mixed are a powerful way to stay alive on FB. That or become one of the thousands who claim Facebook is dead, fan pages are dead, my pony is dead…
Facebook is a great way to build your audience, but because it’s so crowded it might not be the best way to reach them. When that happens the best thing you can do is diversify your communication channels. If you’re a blogger or have a great audience, do you know which medium is the best to reach them?
Go on. I know you know it because you’ve heard it everywhere.


The value of your email subscribers is high because as long as they’re subscribed to your list, you can reach them and hopefully they will read what you have to say.
That means it depends on you and your content to keep them coming back for more. There’s not a medium in between like Facebook or Google that decides whether your content should appear on their feed or not. You’ve got the power!
Of course this is easier said than done. There are a few things I can think of right now that might be difficult for you while trying to achieve it. A few that come to my mind right now are:
  1. How are you going to make them subscribe to your list?
  2. What are you going to email them? What if I post several things per day on my fan page and not all of it is content?
  3. Servando, I barely have time to write a few posts on Facebook. There’s no way I can duplicate everything to a newsletter and send it every single day!
  4. Who’s is this Servando to tell me what to do with my Facebook reach anyway? I do what I want with my life!
If you feel identified by one of the problems above, you’re not alone :)
Honestly, I haven’t updated my Stream SEO Fan page the last 6 months, but before you point your “shame on you” finger to me let me tell you that I manage more than 200,000 fans distributed in múltiple Fan Pages.
Reader: Whaaaat?
Me: Yeah.
Reader: What. Whaaaaaat?
Me: Yeap. Yeap.
In fact, there’s one time a few months ago that I was managing more than 4 million fans distributed in different Fan Pages, so I know it can be a pain in the axx.
There were a few tools I used to manage the posts and schedule images or links, but nowadays there’s a tool that can do this and a lot more.
Let me introduce you to FPTraffic.
FPTraffic is a tool designed by my Affiliate Manager and good palLuke Kling. He’s the marketing manager at Peerfly (a CPA network) and he works on so many things at the same time that I’m starting to think he’s got a time machine hidden in his office.
One of the things he’s developed in the last 2 years is FPTraffic. FPTraffic is a tool that allows you to manage all of your Facebook Fan Pages to grow them, keep them active and monetize them.
While there are many tools that can do this, there are a few advantages from using a tool designed by an affiliate marketeer.
  1. He’s got a Facebook group you can join and give feedback and if any idea is good, he’ll try to implement it.
  2. Since Luke has a lot of Fan pages to monetize too, he’s added a lot of APIs to his tool so you can schedule things you wouldn’t be able to imagine with other tools. It’s not about posting images, links and text only with FPTraffic.
  3. He added image search engines so you could grab images from bing or Tumblr too
  4. Amazon monetization included
  5. You can create giveaways and gather subscribers to your list too!
  6. It’s way cheap right now! Get it for $10 right now
If you’re excited about FPTraffic already you can check it right here!
Otherwise, let me give you a quick tour on the things you can do with FPTraffic. Once you login with your Facebook account and pay your $10 monthly subscription you’ll see this dashboard with all of your Fan Pages.
As you can see, I’ve got 219,000 fans to manage on my account right now. Also, there’s a Chrome Extension to help you grab images to schedule without login into the dashboard.
facebook reach fptraffic fanpages
Next you’ll be able to schedule things on each page you own. The first thing you need to do is to select the number of posts you want to make per day. For example, if you want to post 3 images per day, you just need to select this once and then every image you add to your queue will be posted at the desired time. No need to select the time for each post as with the Facebook scheduler!
facebook reach fptraffic post schedule
The photos section is the reason FPTraffic was created. Luke added an API to make searches in Tumbler and google. You can also upload your own images or just copy and paste a few links from random images from the internet and FPtraffic will post them automatically to your fans. This will keep your Page really active unless you’re overdoing it.
facebook reach fptraffic photo sources
Here’s an example of the image search function. Select Tumblr or Bing and then just type a keyword to do the search. FPTraffic will show you the images and you can select them addd ad them to the queue. No need to manually download every image to your PC and then schedule them on the Fan Page one by one!
facebook reach fptraffic images
You can also post links to drive traffic to your website or affiliate links with FPTraffic. There’s a search engine for Youtube videos and Amazon products included, and the great part about Amazon is that you can add your affiliate ID on your FPTraffic profile and every item you schedule will already have it.
facebook reach fptraffic links
There’s an stats page where you can see the activity. It’s cool to see this here although this is nothing new if you already checked your Fan Page stats.
facebook reach fptraffic stats

Building Email Lists

A very powerful thing I wanted to highlight is the Giveaway tool. With this tool you can create a giveaway in seconds to gather subscribers, likes and engagement and then enter your audience into a raffle. Let’s say you’re randomly giving away 3 T Shirts to a big Fan Page about Game of Thrones. You just create a URL, select the prize you’re giving away and setup the steps needed to enter the raffle (email, like, comment, etc.).
FPTraffic will let you know which fans actually did all the steps to participate and select one random winner if you want. That’s a pretty great strategy to build a list on steroids as I had mentioned inthis article before. You can integrate your Aweber account if you want to keep your subscribers out of FPTraffic too.

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