Payoneer Alternative of Paypal in Pakistan
Payoneer is online payout company that allow user to transfer and receive money in worldwide whether you are live at any part of the world. Since Paypal story is not readable in Pakistan mean Paypal payout company is not supported in our country pakistan which are the number one leading payout company today in world. Paypal is big and huge internal based finincial service that allow user to transfer and receive money in worldwide . So unfortunately we are Deprived from this big service And just only we are not Deprived from this service there are several other countries which are also Deprived from this service for example some other countries are Iran , Egypt and Pakistan . So now leave the Paypal story here take a look of payoneer alternative and its online payout services . Since Payoneer founded in 2005 in New York they are take a part in race of online businesses payout company .
Payoneer is alternative of Paypal . Good news is as a restriction of Paypal in Pakistan , Payoneer gives a massive opportunity to Pakistani resident that you can use our service . Just the good news is not only for Pakistani peoples its also for other same countries that are Deprived from Paypal Online Service.Now Banned countries from Paypal are eligible to participate in Payoneer Online Internet based financial service .
Join Payoneer Service Right now :
Yes you can join payoneer service by visiting Payoneer website at any-time that you want but remember that you can read term and condition before apply some of term and condition I want to tell you that you are must be 18 years old and you should have Government Identity for example in our Pakistan to join payoneer service you first look at your age once you confirmed your age then next requirement is Government Identity mean create your CNIC , Passport orDriving license because during joining Payoneer service they asked you to give us Government Identity now choice is your that which Identity you want to showed. So this is the one of common term and condition that payoneer want from you . Remember don’t use fake Name , CNIC , Address even Mobile number because its very importance after you have created your account..
How much Time taken of Payoneer Card Arrival .
Once you have created your account and you give all of your information correctly like your address, name , cnic and mobile number according to you real Government Identity, then you can set back and relax take a breath and you will get your card in 30 to 40 days . Its depend on your address if you are living in city and having street address so you will be recieve your card as soon as possible in first 20 to 30 days . Or if you are rural guy mean living in village or town then it takes a time more than citizen . Just because there is one problem in village and town that there are no street address and no home address execpt Post office . I saw that some of villages have not even post office. So it is ver bad news for those that they have not post office address but don’t worry you can use near villages postal address if you have it . Stay touch with post office and asked your card daily once your estimated date is arrived.
How to Activate Payoneer Master Card
Have you got you Master Card ? If yes than congrats brother now its time toactivate your card . You know the recieving of card is very headache for everyone the difficut task is almost that . As for me I don’t recive my card yet because Im Villiger even I requested my card several time but I can’t recieve it. Now after 2 months today I login to my account I saw that you are account is disabled for security reason and I think the reason is that I can’t recive my card and company want activation of card and fact is they don’t know where card was shipped , is it goes to perfect address or not ? So the very first step is if you got you card then login to your account dashboard you will see the link of card activation follow link and insert your 16 digit card number with your 4 digit pin choosen by you after that the company will activate your account very soon.
Withdrawal and Make usable of your Payoneer Master card Amount
Before using your master card make sure that you load your account for example load around $100 or more amount into your card by asking to your clients or your family member who are live abroad . You can also load balance from online services like Paypal , moneybooker etc if you have . Once your balanced is loaded you will see the amount in your account after that you can use your card at any banks which have ATM machine like most common use for this purpose is Standard Charttered Bank in pakistan which are considered as international bank . And method of using is same to your local bank Atm Card. Remember in mind that payoneer master card is an international card so when you withdrawal your cash they cost tax likely for 1000 Pkr you will be charged 300 rupees