PayPal account In Pakistan

PayPal account In Pakistan

Now getting Verified PayPal account in Pakistan is so easy.Not Worry More About Getting PayPal account in Pakistan. We provide Verified PayPal account in Pakistan with your own name and e-mail address. After getting it you will able to send and receive money through PayPal in Pakistan and also You Will Able to purchase/shop online.Also  you can Sell Online through eBay.

PayPal account in pakistan

As we know, PayPal is becoming major concern about merchants and service providers in Pakistan. You can see many causes opened on Face book that demand PayPal to include Pakistan in PayPal list. Since, many Pakistanis are not able to withdraw money for their hard work that they perform in particular websites that only have PayPal options and are unable to sell their online products on PayPal required auctions (example: eBay), they are consistently searching for ways to have PayPal account for them.
Yes! We do provide Verified accounts. Now, don’t worry about dealing with websites that only pay trough PayPal or accept payments from PayPal.
Once you will have your own Verified PayPal account in Pakistan, you can easily send money and receive money through PayPal. You will be also able to purchase and sell products from Pakistan by using your own PayPal account. Moreover, you will be able to open your own business for free on eBay and other online auctions that require you to have a Verified account. Isn’t a Good News?
We know that you definitely have questions that how a person can have a Verified PayPal account in Pakistan, since Pakistan is not in a list of PayPal. As we know, everyone is not very acquainted with electronic money transfer’s fundamentals. Many Pakistanis have apprehension that they may become come in hands of scammers.
Therefore, we consider that it is imperative for us to provide comprehensive information in this website about how it is conceivable to have a Verified PayPal account in Pakistan. We hope that the information below will address much of your questions in your mind and will provide basic concepts on having a Verified PayPal account in Pakistan.

Reasons for having Verified,

PayPal account in Pakistan,

and concept on Having a Verified PayPal account in Pakistan?
Reasons for Having Verified account
As it is aforementioned, Verified account is essential in instances when receiver or sender only use PayPal option. It sounds not bothering, however it becomes serious concern when you have good earning opportunity and the only way they pay is through PayPal. However, if you don’t have a Verified account, you just can’t withdraw your money of your hard work. Same is true when you have option to sell your products. For example: eBay is world wide market where anyone can sell anything. However, eBay require you to have a Verified account.
Concept on having a Verified PayPal account in Pakistan
People are astonished that how it is possible to have a Verified PayPal account in Pakistan.  People get this question when they look at country list of PayPal and don’t find Pakistan on that.
Well this is a fact that Pakistan is not on a country list.  This simply means that a person cannot select Pakistan and provide Pakistani bank account or Pakistani Check or Credit Card (Pakistani Visa or Pakistani MasterCard).  However, does this mean that a Pakistani national cannot verify?
When you select a country, choose the country that is on list. For example: U.S.A.
Very Important: Do not change your account password for 12 hours (1 day). Leave your account as it is.
Below, we have given some precautions. However, PayPal still can suspend or limit your account for not given reasons.
Important Precautions
You can withdraw you money easily by using our services. However, you have to bear some precautions when using a Verified account in Pakistan. These precautions are as followed:
  1. Never use proxy log ins. Always use your genuine Pakistani IP. (Many say that Pakistan is not in the list, therefore it is a risk of having account limited that is limit on account that creates restrictions on sending money . For further information search for limitation on account  on use of Pakistani IP.  Our response to this is that PayPal is made to work globally. What about if we live in U.S.A and are staying in Pakistan for six months only. Does They limit our account? There can be many people who frequently stay in Pakistan for six months period and then go back to U.S.A. )
  2. Always clear your cookies of your browser before and after using your account.
  3. When paying money, ensure that receiver is trusted. You can have your account limited if you deal with a scammer. It is most likely. So, try to avoid scammers.
  4. Never open the claim. In account, “claim” is inquiry that opens if someone has received money from you and have not delivered product or service. When you open the “claim”, PayPal staff personally deal with your account. This way, you can have your account suspended or limited. Then, They will require more identification of being in U.S.A. from you.
  5. Don’t accept money from not trusted account. If a scammer sends you the money and account is hacked, PayPal will limit your account.
You can use our services to withdraw your balance in Pakistan. We can do this for you in little charge of money.
How can you transfer your money in Pakistan?
Once, you will receive your money in your account, send us money in our account. Once we will receive your money, we will send Pakistani Rupees in your Pakistani Bank Account.
However, we have requirements that are followed:
We accept money only from people who have a Verified account.
We buy and sell currency only adequate to our market demands.

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