Verified Paypal Accounts
Don’t call on cell phone for Paypal information
Note: Don’t call on the cell phone for Paypal account information, Paypal department is separate & you can only contact them by sending an email, You can also order the Paypal account only by sending the email, Details for sending us the payment for paypal account you can also get through email
Don’t call on cell phone for Paypal information
Don’t call on cell phone for Paypal information
We provide verified PayPal account on very affordable prices. If you want to have your own Personal PayPal account to use for personal payments or shopping. Or if you are working as freelancer than PayPal is the first thing that you need to get the orders from the foreign countries. However all the major sites fiver, odesk , freelancer are accepting paypal as payment medium.
Features of Paypal Account
- 60% and 100% Verified Paypal Account
- Pay Anywhere Worldwide
- No Restriction
- No Sending & receiving Limit
- USA And Other Countries Verified
Price of Verified Paypal account
60% Verified Account price = Rs.3000 / Per Account ( Account will be ready in 3 Working Days)
100% Verified Account price = Rs.15000 / Per Account (Account will be ready in 7 Working Days)
100% Verified Account price = Rs.15000 / Per Account (Account will be ready in 7 Working Days)
Get Verified Paypal account on your Own Name
You can get the account on your own name. What you have to give us your name while giving us order of your Paypal account.
Type of Accounts
There are two type of accounts we provide, One 60% Verified and other one is 100% verified. Cost & verification are different in both accounts.
60% Verified Accountin 60% verified PayPal account only credit card will be verified in your account. This account work smoothly without any error / problem. We also provide complete guide on how to use safely PayPal account to avoid the limitations & errors. No Limit of Sending & Receiving
100% Verified Accountin 100% verified PayPal you will got the verification through following options.1. Credit card verified
2. Bank Verified
3. Phone Verified
2. Bank Verified
3. Phone Verified
What we will provide you after verification of account?
After account verification that account will be your & you will able to use any where . You will be able to change the Email & password of Paypal after getting the details from us.
we will provide you following things after verification of your account.
- PAYPAL Email
- PayPal Password:
- Credit card used in PayPal
- Bank details used in PayPal
- Date of Birth used
- Name, address, Security question & further all the details.
Note: PayPal account will not be connected with any bank or card of Pakistan. There will be no connection of PayPal account into your Pakistan bank or card. You will not get any physical card.
How to Withdraw PayPal Dollars in Pakistan
After all the provided details now your next question is how to get the paypal $ withdrawal in Pakistan? Kindly note that in our Paypal accounts there is no physical bank or card will be added or provided to you. Paypal account can be use only for sending & receiving the payments, There is no way to send the direct payment from PayPal to Pakistan . So to get the PKR against the PayPal dollars in Pakistan you will be need to use the Exchange Services . You can sale your dollars to us & get the payment through easypaisa or Local Bank transfer in Pakistan.
How to Add Fund / Dollars into PayPal
Now the next question is how to add the fund / dollars into your PayPal account. So the same thing in this that we not provide any physical card or bank. You will be need to use the exchanger services to add the fund into your PayPal account.
We do not provide warranty of Paypal accounts. So if you use the account according to our provided guide than your PayPal will work for long time. Avoiding guide might put the limitation on your account. & we will unable to do anything after the limitation of your account. We provide PayPal using guide when you order the Paypal account from us.
Note: We don’t provide any documents or help regarding the accounts limitation , hope you will understand to it & will not ask us anything regarding it.
Note: We don’t provide any documents or help regarding the accounts limitation , hope you will understand to it & will not ask us anything regarding it.