summer skin care
Summer season calls for greater expenses in all the ways. Most of the families plan summer vacations, beach trips and summer camps to get complete enjoyment out of this season.When it comes to talk about summer expenses, our skin also has to pay off the price to enjoy it. In the middle of all these fun activities, our skin has to tolerate the harsh UV rays that cause severe skin damage, painful sunburn, unpleasant dark sun spots, and unwanted fine lines.Practically, it is near to impossible to completely avoid the sun, so why not focus on the strategies to protect your skin from the harmful effects. Mentioned below are some simple, common, yet effective ways to offer good protection to your skin in the fun season.


sunscreen lotion
It is a most dependable and easy way to provide protection to your skin. Never give up using sunblock cream, especially in the scorching heat of sunny days. Make it a never-to-forget religious habit to apply your favorite sunscreen 20 minutes prior before going out from home. Let the skin absorb the sunscreen completely and apply your usual makeup over it.
Don’t just focus on the higher SPF number. Instead, choose your sunscreen intelligently by making sure that it offers safety shield from both UVA and UVB rays. Avoid getting impressed with the amazing fragrances and choose the sunscreen that works best to combat the harmful effects of sunrays. No matter what promises are mentioned on the pack, don’t forget to re-apply your sunscreen after every few hours. 


summer skin care pics
Try to avoid the sun exposure during peak hours at your best. Limit your outing times in and after the noon, when the sun is usually on its rage. Prefer to make outing plans in the midday timings to avoid the exposure in the burning sunny hours. This will save your skin and you can enjoy your get-togethers in a carefree way.


hat benifit in summer
If you are getting ready for a beach party, why not make a cool addition in your party outfit. Show off a smart-looking hat and offer some good protection to your beloved skin in chic way. Girls can create a stylish beach party look by complimenting their outfit with a wide-brimmed matching hat.
On the other hand, guys can rock up with a bucket or Panama hat to look cool, while blocking the sun rays. Wearing the hat will protect your head from directly facing the sun heat and also offers additional protection to your face and neck, which are at the highest risk of sun tan. You can buy sun hats in solid neutral hues to sport them with summer outfits. Also, floral printed hats look fresh and chic in summers.


sunglasses in hot weather
Similar to sunscreen, sunglasses are the big MUST to wear in summer days. You shouldn’t simply overlook your favorite sunshades while going out in the sun. Eyes are very delicate and have more sensitivity towards the sizzling sun rays. Besides looking extremely fashionable, sunglasses will offer good protection to your eyes.
Wearing sunglasses will protect your eyes from sun damage that can cause cataracts, vision problems and pterygium at worse. Rather than using low quality sunglasses, always try to invest on the shades that have 99 to 100% UVA and UVB protection. Think beyond fashion while choosing sunglasses for summers. You can take advantage of the off-season deals and sales offers to stock up on some nice pairs of sunglasses for your summer days.


women skin care
Using shades of various kinds can protect your skin from sun damage. Try to stay in shade as much as you can. Even at beach parties, you can save your skin from harmful sun rays by taking an oversized umbrella with you. The umbrella will provide you a nice shade place to avoid the direct sunlight. Sun umbrellas are surely the perfect idea to setting up a nice cool area for you to sit in after enjoying a hot sun day at beach with friends.

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