Verified PayPal Account in Pakistan
How to Get Verified PayPal Account in Pakistan is the topic we have selected today to facilitate our beloved users. Well there are many online companies that are paying your money for several of works you do online with different sources. Despite having of plenty of online paying companies there is no alternative to PayPal and most of websites use the Paypal for transferring earned money but problem is that PayPal is not offering its services for some specific countries and unfortunately Pakistan is one of them. PayPal has not allowed to Pakistanis to use its services but as we have mentioned that it is the best online paying company in the world of internet that is reliable, secured and as well as trusted therefore every Pakistani wants to use the services offered by the PayPal. This is right place for you if you are looking for how to get verified PayPal account in Pakistan and get your money available on different websites.12 Steps to Get Verified Paypal Account in Pakistan:
While I was searching on internet for the purpose of verified PayPal account I came to know many spammers are making people fool in Pakistan for giving them verified PayPal account taking money. I would like intimate and warn the people never purchase PayPal account in Pakistan because we are going to tell you the simplest way just in 10 steps about verified account in Pakistan.
How to Get Verified PayPal Account in Pakistan
I have also made the verified account with this same method and using it with ease and I feel necessary to guide to get paypal account for free of cost. The good thing is that you will be able to get Virtual Bank Account in USA, Master Debit Card and verified Paypal Account so follow the instructions below:-
Signup for PayPal and select your country as United States of America. Click here for paypal signup.
The information required by Paypal should be original & correct and you will only use Fake USA Address which can be taken from internet.
Login your paypal account when you got registered with paypal.
The account status will be unverified so you will be needed bank account from United States to get verified PayPal Account in Pakistan.
The next step is that you have to sign up for Payoneer Debit Master Card which is an online transaction making company. You will have to fill the form with 100% genuine your personal details such as your name, address, CNIC No. (will be verified). Click here for Sign up for Payoneer Master Card.
When you get registered and submitted request for issues of Master Card which will be required about one month to reach on your given address.
As soon as you receive Payoneer Master Debit Card login your Payoneer account and activate the Master Debit Card.
You have activated your Master Debit Card Right? Nice so now apply for USA Payment Services in Payoneer.
When you will activate US Payment Service then click on the option of “Receive Money” when you will click on US Payment Service you will find there Routing Number and as well USA Virtual account No.
Login in paypal unverified account again and add Bank Account No. to get verified paypal account in Pakistan.
When you have added USA Virtual Bank Account details in your PayPal account then two (02) very small deposits will be sent to your Payoneer account by Paypal which will be shown after 2 to 3 working days.
When you received deposits sent by paypal and then again login your paypal account and put same amount which you received on Payoneer account and your paypal account will be verified automatically.
Once you have got your verified paypal account in Pakistan start to use the services. The question is that how will you get your money from Payoneer Debit Master card Well when your funds will be transferred from paypal to Payoneer then withdraw and use Payoneer Master Debit Card in ATM machines in Pakistan of banks such as Muslim Commercial Bank, City Bank and as well as Standard Charter Bank to receive in form of cash.
Hope you enjoyed and able to get your paypal verified account in Pakistan for free of cost. If you are not able to get account or you are having troubles then share your problems in comment because you will be guided.