Money can’t buy happiness? Who says so? Ask a girl what money can buy? Those who can’t buy happiness from money didn’t know where and what to shop. Girls are happy with happy feet. Girls need to know what to wear to keep the feet happy.
Ladies if you go out to buy some treat for the happy feet make sure it doesn’t cause any problem to the feet. Yes girls when step in the shoe shop to buy the heels you need to start being cautious from that moment. Buy the heels that do not damage the feet. Any pair of heels that hurts or rubs any tiny part of your skin when you put them on is not for you.
Make sure you try the pair of shoes before you buy them. Buying heels online is a bad idea because every pair has to be for you or else don’t wear it. The heels that are too tight or too loose are not for you. To know what kind of shoes will not damage or hurt the feet know some basics.


The shape and the size of the heels should be appropriate so keep up with the glamorous look with healthy feet. The belief that wedges are more comfortable is not necessarily true for everyone. Although wedges are better than spiked heels but walking in wedges is a task in itself as you have to lift your feet off the ground in every step.
The more important thing to know it that the less spiked and the thicker the heel is the more comfortable it will be. Thick heels provide proper base to the heel area of the feet. The heel bone gets comfortably positioned on the thick heels and the toes get comfortable as well because the pressure from the heel bones is no more on the toes.


High Heels
Don’t be tempted to buy the cheap heels. Cheaper the heels the lower the quality the more damage they do to your feet. Heels made of plastic tend to be cheaper; they make the feetsweat and swell. When the inner material of the heels rubs with your feet you might get blisters.
Shoes with slightly better material are cheaper. Shoes will leather inner are softer and better for the skin. The better the heel the higher the price and it is therefore gentle to the feet. Do you actually want to spoil the beautiful feminine feet to save some money?


high heel blisters
Once you have bought those uncomfortable heels because they looked beautiful and now you got to know that they are not good for the feet. The heels rub to the skin and causes blisters buy the soft leather like rolls for blocking blisters, they are available everywhere and you can order online. They are like Band-Aid rolls you can cut them in small pieces and stick those pieces to the areas of the foot you think will be blistered.


High heel
All the heel lovers have to know about the soft get-filled cushions to relieve the pressure on the balls of your feet, they are very good for the shoes that have thin soles. The ladies who party a lot or have to wear the heels all day long need to grab a pair of the cushions to be careful and party safe.
If you already have sore feet after a long day or a long night then forget about soaking them in hot water, try putting them on ice and see what wonders the cold ice does to them. The swelling of the feet will go away and the skin will feel refreshed. Also make sure that you wear heels on clean feet and clean them after you take them off. Feet hygiene is very important.