Adsense in India

Adsense in India

Google Adsense is our fantasy but being an Indian it’s a little difficult for us to get approved for Google Adsense. When I was a newbie I also got rejected by Google Adsense and I know how bad it feels. When I got my first Google Adsense account approved I shared my story and then everyone started to ask how to get approved for Google Adsense in India? For everyone who wants to apply for Google Adsense and wish to get approved, I am sharing some tips here. There is no secret trick or fake methods involved but just some common logical and practical suggestions.
Try Adsense Alternatives: Infolinks + Chitika.
8 Tips to Get Approved for Google Adsense in India
How do your website look?
Some websites have good content and huge traffic but they look very poor. Poor theme and difficult navigation makes your website and blog unfit for Google Adsense. Some websites are so messy that it looks they don’t even have space even for Adsense ads and usually gets rejected by Google Adsense.Make sure your website looks professional and gives the sense of perfection. Your theme should should be easy to navigate (all content should be easily accessible to visitors). Website should load properly on all major browser and should be fast. Don’t let a chance for Google to reject you.
TIP: Take a look at all your competitors who are already approved for Google Adsense. You can also checkout the blog you’re reading. I always try to make it perfect and professional. I believe a theme should look clean, good looking as well as user friendly (easy to navigate and fast loading).
 domain name?
You should have a registered domain name (eg. or and not a sub-domain (like: sure that your domain name whois info should match with details (Name and Address) you filled at Adsense application form.
Indian websites should be older than 6 month?
For Asian countries like India and china, Google had placed a 6 month policy. According to that 6 month policy any Indian blog or website which is not older than 6 months are not qualified for Google Adsense. According to Google Adsense – a website needs at least 6 months of time to improve and grow.I had already mentioned that I got approved for Google Adsense when my blog and domain was only 3 months old. You can also try your luck but first, try to follow suggestions I had made in this article.
How many visitors you need to get approved?
According to most bloggers and people at different blogs and forums we must have at least 500 daily visitors but I was approved with only 20 visitors per day. The reason for this was that they all were coming from the search engine. Actually, I believe that it doesn’t matter how many visitors we are getting, what actually matters is how many visitors we are getting from search engine and in how much time.
The truth is that until you get at least a thousand visitors a day, you’ll not earn anything. Simple formula for calculating your income from advertising is that for every 1,000 views you’ll earn at most $2 only.
What are the pages you need to have on your blog?
You must have at least 20+ pages (to be on safe side you need 50+ pages) excluding about me, contact, disclaimer and privacy policy page. Privacy policy is mandatory on every blog that displays Google Adsense Ads. If you need you can copy privacy and disclaimer pages from my blog but don’t forget to change the details accordingly ;)
Some websites are not allowed.
Not every blog and website is approved. Some websites focusing on following topics are never approved by Google Adsense. If you luckily gets approved then you’ll never make a cash out, as they rejects you latter to improve their mistake (although chances are very rare that you’ll get approved with following sites).
Adult content
Content that advocates against an individual, group, or organization
Copyrighted material
Drug, alcohol, and tobacco-related content
Gambling content
Hacking and cracking content
Sites that offer compensation programs (“pay-to” sites)
Sites that use Google Brand features
Violent content
Weapon-related content
Other illegal content.
Website should be complete.
Google Adsense had clearly mentioned that they are not interested to approve or display their ads on any blog or website that is incomplete or under construction. So even if your website or blog is incomplete you can’t display a message of “site under construction” or “work in progress”.
Everybody knows that a blog or website can never be completed and needs regular maintenance and updating. Moreover, search engines likes fresh and new content therefore you should always keep building your blog and website but never put such messages.
Google Adsense general policy and terms & conditions
Your blog or website should also comply with google adsense general policy and terms & conditions.
Get Approved for Google Adsense 
The saying “A lot of Adsense applications are rejected by Google Adsense and it’s impossible for an Indian to get approved for Google Adsense from India” may or may Not be True. But If you have genuine website and knows what you are doing then you’ll easily get approved for Google Adsense without any trick.
The truth is that those who gets rejected by Google Adsense, shouts and react more than those who gets approved. The moral of the story is that you should never lose your confidence and never get afraid by those negative sayings. Just improve and maintain you blog and website accordingly and then apply for Google Adsense.