Blog Design

Blog Design

                           Design of you blog plays a very important role. Even Google loves to rank those blogs which have good design is part of SEO now.Why blog design is important ? how to design a blog ? and which is best blog design ?. This is all which are we going to discus here.
How To Design a Blog

Why Blog Design is Important ?

If you look at last few year reports you will find Google loves to rank good looking blogs.I will say forget good think about it what if you visit a site full of junk will you stay on it ?definitely no so you should design your blog for your readers its more important.If you don't have a good design no body will stay on your blog.It means all you effort in useless.This is why i am saying blog design is important.if your are going to start a blog or if you already have first pick a good designed template. After that you can move to other stuff link content creation and SEO etc.

Which is best blog design ?

There are million of blog and most of then have different designs but something is common in all of then and that is there blog style/layout. So there are few things which must be in your blog.

    • Main Heading Bar
    • Side Bar
    • Footer Bar 
    These three things are really important.You must have to add these three in your blog.Main heading Bar will be like this you have to add your main topics and subtopics in it.this will help your readers to navigate to your blog easily.they will be able to select easily what they want.Net thing is your sidebar where you can put your popular posts any advertisement or something on which you want others can see the below example of sidebar.Third and the last important part of blog is footer.In footer section you can put Gadgets like Google+ Box , Facebook like box , labels etc.
    How to Design a Blog
    Because of blogging platforms like Blogger and WordPress blog designing has become very easy.Now you don't have to learn whole web development and designing stuff for customizing a blog.You just need basic knowledge about HTML and CSS and it will do the job.If you don't know these you can still customize your blog knowing them will be really helpful.

    Designing a Blogger Blog 

    You can setup for blogger blog very easily.If you login to your dashboard you will see layout and template options there.these two option are used in can setup you blog main menu from template coding. You can check this article if you want to learn how can you setup you menu options in blogger.Now for setting sidebar and footer you can use Layout option click on layout and you will see something similar to this.Here you can see sidebar and footer you can add gadgets on both simply by clicking add a gadget.

    Designing a WordPress Blog 

    Designing a WordPress blog is much more easier than blogger.You can see the below videos to learn how can you design a WordPress blog.

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