Get Adsense Account Approved:
If we talk about adsense then there are so many people which are suffering from the problem that their application in rejected by Google.Well according to my experience getting Adsense Account is the easiest thing ever.I got my adsense account approved On just 40 days old Blog and there were just 27 posts at that time so today I will tell you in detail how did i Approved my Adsense Account from Google.
Domain Name:
First thing after making a blog/website is to buy a domain name because Google prefer those blogs/websites which have domain name.I just Bought the Domain and set it to my blog you can get any domain from Godaddy.
After Adding Domain name to my blog i searched for a simple template for my blog and added it to my blog.Your blog/website should have simple user friendly template.Google also see the template design if that is user friendly or not.Well second thing i did was added a user friendly template to my blog.
Contact US , About Me and Privacy policy Page:
Your Website/Blog must have a Privacy Polity , Contact Us and About Me Page before applying because this is the most important thing before applying.Without these pages Google will not approve your application because there are conditions in there Privacy polity.If you want to Get Adsense Account Approved you must have these pages in your website/blog.Third thing i did was i added About Me,Contact Us and Privacy policy page to my blog.
Articles and posts:
Now your website/blog is ready for posting always remember "Content is King" the good content you have the more chances are for your Adsense Account Approval.Always remember Never copy others content always write your own content Google never givers Adsense account to those websites/blogs which have copyrighted materiel.The fourth thing i did was i made posts to my blog and i did not copied even a single word i wrote my own articles and published on my must have 25+ posts on your blog before.My every post was of almost 300 words. few were 200 to 250 but average posts were of 300 words.
Search Engine Optimization:
The last thing i did was just a little bit of SEO i just submitted Site map of my blog and added it to Webmaster Tools.
Applying for Adsense:
If your website/blog have all the things i mentioned above you can apply for adsense now but remember your website/blog should be 40 to 45 days old with 25+ posts and no Copyrighted materiel.