
                     For decades India has controlled Kashmir by whatever means possible, Pakistan on the other hand has always stood against India to free Kashmir from Indian occupation.

This thread is not about what is wrong and what is right.. 

This is not about human right violation..

Taj Mahal was built on the ground of humiliation of human rights, where the people who built it has to give away their hands, still it is called as "symbol of love".. Red fort, pride of India.. 

I have some valid questions to ask from Pakistanis here... Please care to reply.. 

1. Every now and then Pakistan has problem with Indian occupation in Kashmir, but then why it does not do anything to get it back or fight for their freedom? 

2. If Pakistan thinks Indian occupation in Kashmir is invalid why can't you prove it front of the world and force majority of nations to help kashmir to gain its freedom?

3. In its thrust for Kashmir, Pakistan is loosing a lot. To be practical, majority of nations want to keep them out of this issue. No one participates or ever asked India to leave it alone? What does Pakistan has to about it? Because militant, or Freedom fighters so to speak cannot gain freedom from India. That is just loosing one self in emotional cry and loose their life on daily basis. There has to be a strategy to achieve desired objectives in a strong manner.

4. To be able to run a nation successfully, it needs effective leadership or at least leaders corrupt but still keep national interest in mind. India has taken strong control over kashmir and claims it as integral part of India. Apart from some of your allies, no one wants to take a stand against it.. In fact Pakistan themselves have not done anything substantial to free it from Indian occupation.. 

Believe it or not.. crying for freedom would never free Kashmir. I am just pointing out the short comings and lack of efforts for this freedom struggle..

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