Top Universtes Of Pakistan

Top Universtes Of Pakistan:
                                                                       Computer Science is the technical and practical approach to calculation and its request. It is regular viability structure and look and automation of the logical process that inspire purchase representation, processing, storage of message of and admission to information.
Software is the study of engineering design and application. Software is very useful in man life. Because of computer man life come quite easy. Software uses in offices and big companies. Software Engineering is used in every department of life. Software has different programmers and every office use his own programs to make of his use.
Software Engineering in Pakistan

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

The institute of COMSATS is under the Federal Government. CIIT is the first institute of information technology. Institute has no of campus in different area of country. Major campus of the institute is located in Islamabad. University is a co-educational institute. The university offered postgraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees. Dr Imtinan Elahi Qurashi is a chairman of the institute, Ministry of science and technology is a chancellor, President of the Pakistan is the President of the institute. Rector name is syed Muhammad junaid zaidi. Total students are 27,029

FAST University (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences), Islamabad

It is one of high quality technical education in Pakistan. It offers the program for postgraduate, graduate studies, engineering studies, doctoral studies, management sciences, business administration, humanities and social science. Institute time after time ranked no 1. Chancellor name is senator waseem Sajad, Rector Name is Amir Muhammad, Total student reading in this institute are 9000. University campuses are in Islamabad, Faisalabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar.

Qurtuba University, D.I.Khan

Dr Muhammad Zulfiqar Khan Niazi is the head of the institute. University offers the bachelor, master degrees, doctoral degrees and PG Diploma certificate. Student can get bachelor degree in these subjects like BA (PASS), BA (HONS, BCOM, BED and BSC and student can get the master degree in these subjects like MSc, MCOM, MCS, MED and MA in different subject like education, economics, and do the PHD in education, English and economics.

Baluchistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta

Institute is located in Quetta and one of higher educational university in Pakistan. It offers bacholour and master degrees in computer science, computer engineering, business administration and offers post graduate in diploma in computer sciences. Muhammad Khan Achakzai is the chancellor of the institute, Ahamed Farooq Bazai is the vice chancellor. It is affiliated with HEC, PEC.

Lahore University of Management Sciences, (LUMS)

It is located at a very beautiful Area of Lahore Defence Authority, this institute offers progaammes in Business, humanities, management sciences, this institute is one of the best institute of the country, The university also offers the research study of management sciences and information technology. Dr Sohail H Naqvi is the vice chancellor of the institute, undergraduate student are 2400 and postgraduate students are 1600 and doctoral students are 15. It is affiliated with HEC.

GIKI ( ghulam Ishaq Khan University)

GIKI institute is situated in TOPI KPK. Institute has six departments in which students are reading about science and engineering. In Swabi GIKI has a main campus. Its founder was President Ghulam Ishaq Khan. This is one of the best engineering institute and college of the country. GIKI always stay on top from HEC ranking and compete always with other engineering and science colleges. Janghir Bashar is the rector of the institute and academic staff is 93 and 1200 undergraduate students.

National University Of Sciences And Technology (NUST), Islamabad

It was founded by the Govt of Pakistan. It was first established because to train Arms forces and Staff. NUST is a school type university where it s HQ is located at Rawalpindi, after some years HQ shifted in Islamabad while other campuses of the university are situated in Karachi, Rawalpindi and Rasalpur. Institute is co-educational institute and gives the higher and quality education to the student in the field of science and technology and also in the computer engineering and science and technology. Academic staff is 817 and postgraduate students 937 and undergraduate are 6259.

University Of Engineering And Technology (UET)

Institute is located in Lahore, UET is one of the oldest and higher education institute of the country. It is very famous about high quality study and development of science and technology. It is on No 1 rank in top 10 universities in engineering technology. UET always conducts the entry test every year in the Punjab and then top students take admission in the institute.

Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi

The ability of computer science first recognized as the middle of computer studies with partnership of IBM. Its first offers the diploma to reduce the shortage of expert software, now it offers the degrees f MS, MS and PHDs. PHDs degrees only offers in the field of computer science and information and commutation technology.

Air University, Islamabad

Air University is one of the leading universities of the country about learning, study and public services. Mission of the institute is to give excellent education with great teaching ability to the students and creates graduates with excellent education and knowledge that help them in their practical life.

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