Earn Money With Google AdSense
A blog or website can be very profitable advertising with Google AdSense and even give you a lot of money with it, you just have to generate enough traffic to a well paid and use the most appropriate ad formats, colors, themes and know the place well different blocks within the web. Read this one How to Create a Successful and Profitable BlogWe must also optimize either the blog or website based on the topic on which we want to generate these ads. That is, there are several factors to take into account if it is true that we have a profitable web with this advertising system that gives us precisely Google AdSense and we will discuss in this publication.
Tips To Earn Money With Google AdSense Advertising
The first recommendation to make money with contextual advertising system Google AdSenseis to choose well the theme of the blog or website. It is advisable to choose good phrases to build our items and among the best are based on issues that involve a lot of money. Read This Advertising, Tips And RecommendationsThey tend to work well the following topics:
- Health.
- Web Hosting.
- Money.
- Mortgages.
- Organ donations.
- Education.
- Finance.
- Construction.
- Marketing.
- Business.
- Lawyers.
- Insurance.
- Franchise.
- Tourism.
More Recommendations To Have A Profitable Blog With Contextual Advertising
Another good recommendation and is well optimized blog to display ads that we see on this site. Include the main keyword at the beginning of the title is important to include in the headers and sub-headers in addition to repeat it in the body of the article. It is also essential to have such a phrase or synonym in the url and name of the blog.
This recommendation I give in the previous point is doubly important because in addition to better optimize your tickets for positioning in search engines, also tells more precisely to whatGoogle AdSense ads to display on your blog. That is showing better ads while giving you more traffic which n is very important to have a truly profitable web.
Very important is to use the ad formats and appropriate colore, about the formats you can use the same Google AdSense recommended or change any of them in blocks that are best suited to your blog. We can say that on this point it is best to keep trying as the one that works best for a site does not mean that other will give the same results.
We recommend placing the ad as high as possible: the first above you walk (articles), the second in the right column at the top and the third rather than below the entrance where no da click, half is put on the column. Remember that the higher up ads, the more you pay for them.
On the colors usually functional well the default color, usually white and generates text ads that appear natural links blog so that many users click with confidence. Speaking of clicks, avoiding those that are fruitless, accidental and that soon can drag the value of your blog forGoogle AdSense and pay you less, meaning your website will be less profitable.
Constant updating the blog, a blog that is updated daily to several times a week will be more attractive, plus better position in Google and other search engines. Remember that traffic is important so you should worry about achieving good positioning.
I hope that this publication will be of great help to have a profitable blog with Google AdSense,and we can say that we live in such advertising, at least not with this blog, but with others in which we won some money through a good advertising strategy with AdSense.