Facebook photo identification:
I wish Mark Zukerberg (or whatever his name is) disables his own facebook id for a day and then try to recover it at least once, as a demo, to go through the process and see how irritating and frustrating it is.
First of all, the facebook temporarily disabling the accounts is weird in itself. They would simply disable the account because it was logged in from somewhere or some browser which isn’t used regularly by you to login to the same account. Well that’s for protecting us, but then it should allow you to login easily from the known browser, right? But facebook don’t think so! it keeps the ban and it stays there, frustrating us, because they don’t care.
For example, if you use your cell phone to login to your facebook account regularly and you lose it one day, boom, you lose your facebook account too because once you login to the facebook id from a new device it will simply tell you to verify your account and that it’s you.
Even my online bank account doesn’t act so stupidly!
Now the issue with photo verification is that it doesn’t show the images from the persons profile albums, rather it shows the ones that he is tagged in. Seriously? Tags?
Another issue is that now when you’re trying to verify facebook via photo identification, either it doesn’t show you the names or else it shows you the same names every time, leaving you clueless with the guessing technique from the common names of repeated profile images.
I really wish I could get in touch with someone from the Facebook personally, but no we can’t have that luxury, because Facebook is no more a website created by a school kid who was kicked out of class for 6 weeks when he created it, rather it’s a billion dollars project now and doesn’t care if a few handful of users feel frustrated about its weird policies and logics.
Note: My facebook account haven’t been disabled, but my friends are, and its seriously not fair to ask for any such verification, and not at all the government issued ids.
Facebook is no more facilitating people, it’s irritating them.
Some 8 years ago I started using facebook as an amazing platform, with ease of everything and fun. Now it’s so insecure that I feel uncomfortable while investing money or even time on my facebook profile or pages, considering that it all may be lost one fine day when facebook thinks that I’m no more suitable for their website.
Issue with us is that we move along, those who got ids disabled would probably upload the government issued ids to prove who they’re or will make new ones and so on, but no one will give up using facebook, not even me, probably, and that’s what facebook understands very well, and is misusing it pretty well too.
I disagree to facebook policies, specially of uploading government issued ids, do you agree or disagree to them? Please let us know through comments.