Improve Alexa Rank

Improve Alexa Rank

About Alexa Rank:
In order to improve your alexa ranking you must follow some basic Tips that Alexa
algorithm The alexa ranking system works mostly on traffic statics
of a website or blog. So this is the main element, but other elements are also now
important. Alexa rank is now updated every day for each website. Following are some
tips you can implement to improve your site's ranking:

1. Website Blogger Design 

The design is the first thing which is liked by alexa. If you have a very user friendly
and simple design for your blog or WebSite then alexa will rank you better than complicated sites. Just make sure your blog's or Website design loads faster.

2. Unique Key Content
Content is the king in all terms, Alexa also loves those websites which have unique
and original content. Alexa rank will be so good if you have great content on your blog.

3. Updating KeyWord Content
If you update your blog or Wesite regularly with new content then your alexa rank updates will be boosted every day.
Publishing new content means to insure the improvement in alexa ranking on daily bases.

4. Create Maximum High Backlinks
Alexa also loves quality high backlinks, especially if you have backlinks on sites which
have good alexa ranking than you. your alexa rank will be increasing dramatically.

5. Install Alexa Tool Bar on your Browser
This is another trick that can increase your alexa ranking. Alexa provides a tools bar
to all, so if one having Alexa tool bar installed your web browser visits your site, will increase your ranking enough.

6. add Alexa Widget to your Blogger or Sites
You can increase Fast Boost your alexa ranking dramatically, if you insert Alexa widget into your blog. or Sites This is very simple and you can get alexa widget for your blog by visiting your account in 

7. Time Frequency
This also helps you increasing your Alexa ranking  if you post your content to your blog or Sites  in frequency. Alexa updates its servers once a day, so make sure you update your blog on a fixed time, so alexa will also update your ranking. A recommended time is 12:05AM.
These were some basic tips for increasing Alexa Ranking, however, you can ask questions if you have confusions in comment section..

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