Make Blog Website SEO Friendly 2015
The foremost job to try to to within blogger dashboard is to customise search preferences setting in line with well optimized computer program crawler. Blogger itself doesn't give something SEO prepared for its users like Wordpress. but it enable users to form the blogger interface internally SEO friendly for robots. you may grasp we've some restricted rights within blogger dashboard that we tend to build good and SEO friendly for all widespread search engines that is named Search Preferences (SP). Search Preferences provides many choices with the assistance of that we tend to may management the general structure of diaryger blog. This feature makes the blogger additional SEO friendly within the eyes of computer program. If you're the regular PBT reader, then you may grasp that antecedently we've shared a splendid tutorial concerning custom robots header tag in diaryger blog that is additionally one amongst the kid possibility of search preferences. therefore in these days article we are going to guide you, a way to do SEO Friendly Search Preferences Setting within diaryger Blog.How Search Preferences Setting Play an important Role In Blogger
SP play a very important role to form the diary friendly in line with computer program Result. Search Preferences options enclosed within the new blogger Interface Dashboard throughout sure changes in blogger new markup language editor. this extra choices alone enclosed for Search Engines, that tells the robots a way to crawl the pages in line with the given directions.
A user may simply management diaryger blog and build it good, well optimized for automaton by selecting correct choices from Search Preferences. By default automaton crawl each single page of the diary, as well as labels pages, search pages and external pages. to stop automaton to not crawl these pages, you have got to follow the below easy step by step guide, which can show, a way to opt for correct choices within Search Preferences in Blogger.
Search Preferences Setting In Blogger
Step 1:
Go Blogger Dashboard:
- Click on Search Preferences:
- Click on Custom robot header tags And build the below changes:
4. Search Preferences Setting in Blogger
5. You done nearly, simply click on save changes button: Now attend Step 2:
Step 2:- Go To Search Preferences:
- Click on Custom Robot.txt:
- Now copy the below code and past into it:
- Search Preferences Setting in Blogger. Put the below code in robot.txt after enable it.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Replace The red color name together with your own blog name then hit save changes.