Online Jobs In Pakistan:
Hy To Evey One Howdy Fellows in today's blogpost I will discuss about how you can get an online job in Pakistan without any kind of investment and it's especially for students in Pakistan who are searching an online job to full fill their needs and Expense it will be also handy for that users who might be interested in doing part time job.
Kinds Of Jobs
So now let's talk about what kind of jobs you can do and find online first all you need to memorize that without having skills you can't get job no matter it's online or real world part time job so first of all think what kind of skills you have or what kind of tasks you can perform online better than others.
Learning Skills for Online Job
Jobs without Skills and Investment
it's very difficult to survive in this field however if you have no time to learn skills and you want to get job and earn money online so finally here's the job that you are searching for without requiring any kind of skills and investment its the Data Entry Job!What are Data Entry Jobs?
All a data entry job entails is simply reading and understanding information (weather it be words, code, numbers, sales information, etc.) and entering it into a computer. Most likely they will use a program similar to Microsoft Excel, so I suggest you know how to use it if you don't already.
Basically it is Read - Understand - Type into program - Check information is Correct
Finding Free Data Entry Jobs in Pakistan
you can find data entry jobs on many jobs board website such as we want to work with locality people pakistani companies provide online data entry jobs as part time or full time in office if you can speak good english and have good communication skills and good command over internet than you can choose international outsourcing (Freelancing) website for getting free data entry job they often pay more as compare to local pakistani companies so the choice is all yours,
Here are some Trusted websites where you can find free online jobs in pakistan.
- Odesk - Data Entry Jobs
- Freelancer - Data Entry Jobs
- Elance - Data Entry Work
Pakistan Data Entry Jobs Board
Open any website hitsearch data entry and choose and apply your desired Job-
- Bayrozgar
- Mustakbil
Is Data Entry Job is Good for you?
Remember couple of things before choosing this way because
- there's competition and it mean quite hard competition for jobs.
- few jobs and more jobs seekers , this will be the tough job.
- because no skills jobs are mostly manualed handed so need patience to survive with it.
How easy it is?
So there is only one online job in Pakistan without any kind of charges and these are free online jobs in pakistan every student can do that it's the data entry all you need is your typing skills and some internet knowledge it's quite simple and easy.Online Captcha Jobs
Have to log in a specific website with an id and password and type small images showing texts. For example look like in the picture on right side:You type the text as it is (image files to convert text files ) on a text box repeatedly. If you have a good typing skill then this site can be a great opportunity for you.
How Much does it Pays?
Both Type of Works Pays Different Rates and listed following:
For Data Entry
Pay for data entry from home can range as little as $1 per hour up to the average rate for an office-based data entry operator. Of course, no jobs will advertise $1 per hour work, but the complicated per-piece pay structures can work out to be that little. its mostly trusted than captcha jobs.
For Captcha Jobs
Most of the time low paying maybe 1$ Per 1000 words and You can easily type around 1000 captcha in one hour and you will earn $0.85 – $1.25 per 1000 entries (depends on peak timings) that is $1/hour, so just imagine if you work for 5 hours a day you could earn $5 a day and $150 a month.Normal Candidates do this work 1 hour. Typing speed candidates do this work with in 30 min If you working daily for 5 hours you will earn $10 (No time LImit for work , 24/7).Data Entry Jobs Rates are Different these more paying and guaranteed paying