Adsense for Feeds:
If you are using Google Adsense for Feeds to display ads on your feeds and make some money then there is bad news for you. Google has decided to retire their AdSense for feedsservice.
Good Bye Adsense for Feeds
Starting December 3, 2012, Google will discontinue serving ads via AdSense for feeds on RSS feeds and you’ll no longer see feed units in your “My ads tab”. To check if you’re currently generating any revenue from AdSense for feeds, visit your “Products” performance report in your AdSense Account and look for recent data for “AdSense for feeds”.In their official Blog post, Google team stated that under their spring cleaning program, they planned to shut down Adsensefor feeds. Starting 2nd October, 2012 they will retire it, and on December 3rd, they will close it.Please note that reporting on your feed ad units will remain available following the product retirement. FeedBurner URLs powered by Google will continue to function, but will no longer serve ads. As a result, it won’t be necessary to redirect your subscribers to different URLs or to take any other action in your account.For more details please visit the AdSense Help Center. This upcoming change won’t affect the availability of other AdSense products that you’re currently using.
Now How to Monetize Feeds
Monetizing feeds can be irritating to your readers but it is your sole discretion. I personally won’t like to display any ads in the feeds, However, if you still wish to display ads in your blog feedthen are several ways to do it.You can monetize your feeds by using Affiliate marketing. If your blogging platform is WordPress, then you can you can use a plugin called- RSS footer plugin . This plugin allows you to add your own HTML code, banner etc in feeds. There are many other monetization network that you can use to monetize your Blog feeds.