Adsense Payment Method

Adsense Payment Method:

Good news for Adsense publishers in Asian countries! Google has added Wire Transfer as a payment method for Adsense payments in many countries including India. Those hard days of waiting are gone. Now the payments are received within 2 days directly into the bank account. I had to wait for long 3 months to receive my first adsense cheque after they were issued from Canada. It’s over. I received my last Adsense payment to my Indian Bank account on 30th April 2014 after they were processed on 28th April.
Adsense Wire Transfer in India
Adsense Payment proof
When wire transfer is added as a payment option to your account, you will receive  a notification regarding this to add your bank account details. To add the details, from the Adsense dashboard go to Payments>Payment Settings, click on ‘Add a new form of Payment’. Enter the Account details including the  IFSC and SWIFT-BIC code of the bank and press save. Adsense wire transfer is available in most of the Asian countries including India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

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