Adsense Payment Method:
Good news for Adsense publishers in Asian countries! Google has added Wire Transfer as a payment method for Adsense payments in many countries including India. Those hard days of waiting are gone. Now the payments are received within 2 days directly into the bank account. I had to wait for long 3 months to receive my first adsense cheque after they were issued from Canada. It’s over. I received my last Adsense payment to my Indian Bank account on 30th April 2014 after they were processed on 28th April.
When wire transfer is added as a payment option to your account, you will receive a notification regarding this to add your bank account details. To add the details, from the Adsense dashboard go to Payments>Payment Settings, click on ‘Add a new form of Payment’. Enter the Account details including the IFSC and SWIFT-BIC code of the bank and press save. Adsense wire transfer is available in most of the Asian countries including India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.