Adsense Tips

Adsense Tips

I have tested out a few things with Google Adsense. I’ve discovered by posting at midnight, a post will potentially make a little more money by generating more clicks on ads.By posting at the stroke of midnight, a blog post has a full 24 hours to be viewed rather than 15 hours if posting at 9am.Many bloggers prefer publishing a blog post at  9 or 10 am in the morning knowing that many people surf the Internet from work.With Google Adsense, there’s a daily break down of who clicks on ads from desk top computers and personal devices. With my blog, more people click on ads from desk top computers. I think that’s because ads are easier to see on a large screen and because people are reading my blog while at work. Of course, if anyone has an ad blocker, it’s a moot point.I’ve also discovered when I write about blogging I see a small increase in Google Adsense earnings; not much, but it’s enough to go out and buy coffee for a few contractors or on a good day, coffee and donuts. The Google Adsense earnings might also cover tipping some employees who assist John when he’s loading his truck with heavy supplies or delivery people dropping off special orders at the house.I know some of my blog followers have WordPress blogs so this post is geared toward all of you. In case you’re thinking about applying for Google Adsense or already have it, and want to try to maximize on ad earnings, try posting at midnight and see if it also works for you.Remember, the most popular blog topics are: finance, exercise and writing about blogging. A very good fashion blog has big potential– of course it helps if you’re in your 20s or early 30s. An excellent fashion blog requires tremendous planning, photography, fashion shoots and connections in the fashion industry, etc.

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