Become Successful in Life
This is one of the famous point’s from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey and I mean it. If you have started something then no matter whatever obstacle comes, DO NOT QUIT . If you want be successful in whatever area you choose, always see that you adhere to the below points.
1. Whatever you start, complete it at any cost
2. Without regular efforts, don’t expect the reward
3. Always aim for excellence, success will automatically follow you
4. Give it some time to grow
5. Have patience to wait till the end of the time
5 Stages of a Successful Business [Online/Offline]
Stage : 1 Plant A Seed
This is the most important stage of any activity. After deciding what exactly you wanted to do, your focus should be completely set on laying the foundation. If the foundation isn’t strong enough then, it can easily crack the whole business or may collapse it at later stages.In our case, this is the niche keyword, which we are targeting. If the keyword [seed]selected isn’t properly researched, then whatever efforts we might add to build it, it won’t give the fruitful results. So proper keyword research with some pre-selected criteria according to your requirements is a must. Once we are done with the keywords, many users simply outsource their article writing process and get some 5 or 10 articles targeting all types of keywords.
These articles are used as the pillar articles on the main blog.
Stage : 2 Give It Water Regularly
This is the important stage where efforts are seen only in the beginning schedule. Say, we have launched our niche blog with some articles. Thereafter if you don’t upload it with articles on a regular schedule the blog won’t grow . Also, many of us build backlinks in the beginning few days but with time they give up seeing that they are not making any income or traffic isn’t getting generated to the blog.
Stage : 3 Seed Turns To Plant
Whatever efforts you give, it takes some time for a seed to turn to a plant. This doesn’t happen overnight. This doesn’t happen immediately. The process is same when you have created your online portfolio.
Few blogs get indexed on Google very quickly and few take some time.There are several factors which influence this process of indexing and getting ranked. This is also bouncing time where our blog shifts various positions/pages up and down which is normally termed as “Google Dance”.
Many users quit at this stage expecting too much in short span of time which demotivates them to proceed further writing articles and building backlinks.
The difference between blog and a plant is in case of blog we can get 1 or 2 fruits in the plant stage itself which literally translates into making 1 or 2 sales in the beginning phase. There are many blogs which make good money even though they aren’t having much authority.
Stage : 4 Plant Turns To Tree
This is when our blog converts into authority resource, which is possible only with frequent articles and backlinks creation. When it gets the authority it can easily rank well for many long tail keywords bringing us the required traffic and the passive income.
Stage : 5 Tree Gives You Fruits
The ultimate phase where our blog starts giving us fruits in terms of sales making passive income. Even trees require water to survive further which even applies for authority blogs also. If the blog is not updated frequently there are chances that the blog gets pushed down from Google rankings there by loosing the authority.Even though this example appears much to be out of context with seeds, fruits and tree images the main backbone remains same about the blogging/money making/online/offline or passive income strategies.