Earn money with a blog? 
This question posed by a student of our training “professional blog” invites a straightforward answer: the profitability of a blog is very low, and few bloggers who derive their income above a plume 300 $ per month.

Several sources of earn money with your blog

1. Advertising
Contextual ads or banners appear in your content. You will be paid per click or number of views.
The easiest way for a blogger is to use Google AdSense.
What can you earn with AdSense?
For a blog with about 1,000 page views per day, reaching daily earnings between $ 1 to $ 3.
More announcements will be large, illustrated and placed in the middle of the text, they will earn more money (more clicks).
But be careful:
A blog “full of publicize” will not be very credible. Advertising is also to be avoided on a company blog, to keep 100% professional image.
Advertisements may appear not at all in sync with your post. And I found an ad for a text editor on my blog dedicated to Videos.
2. Affiliate links
The principle of affiliation is to receive a commission on sales made through a link on your site.
The easiest way to test the affiliation is to recommend buying a book on Amazon, by being previously registered as a partner. You will earn 5% commission on sales.
What can you earn with an Amazon affiliate?
For a blog that devotes an entire section to each book and has a couple of books, monthly income vary between 3 and 6 $.
Good to know: this is the shopping cart that you earn a commission (not just books featured on your blog), provided that the consumer makes an order via your affiliate link.
3. Sponsored Articles
Equivalent infomercial in the press, you write a review (preferably positive) on a product, a brand, … in exchange for a fee.
4. The sale of Links
Agencies offer bloggers the placement of links in their articles to improve the ranking of their clients’ websites. These practices are dislike by Google.
5. Free products
If you are an “influential blogger”, you may be invited to events. You can also receive free products to test.It is easier to make money with a blog whose theme is sought after by brands:
1-Fashion, life
3-Gastronomy, cooking, TV Dramas
4-Design, decoration, arts and crafts
5-High tech
Difficult however to the publicize on a blog that denounces consumerism! With my blogs on, organic vegetable garden and my site on my natural birth, I do not really have to be a prime target for advertisers.
For a blogger who writes quality articles, well documented, advertising in all its forms undermines the content.
For income dollars a day, devote his blog at least one hour of daily work.
I do not know any blogger “part-time” whose income (advertising, affiliation, etc.) exceed 300 $ / month.
Blogs have been created solely for the purpose of generating financial returns (eg by “recycling” of existing content) proved unprofitable, if we take into account the cost of creation and SEO.
Use your blog to share your passion, your opinions, get you closer to your customers to promote your expertise, but forget monetization.