Increases Google Adsense Earning

Increases Google Adsense Earning

Earning with AdSense means you have to take care of your blog by yourself.Maximum blogger gives up after some of time of using AdSense because AdSense sometimes give you much more money daily or sometimes google get unexpecting earning down.These up down google Adsense earning depends on  few factor that I saw from last 1-2 year & how to get out from these bad effective factors here I solved out.Recently I have written about tricks & tips to increase Adsense revenue where you can get ethical way to increasing Adsense earning.
  1. CTR(click-through rate):-In a sense there is two type of CTR measure one is page CTR & Impression CTR both are same but which is good effective for our Adsense earning that is our motto in this article.I am justifying AdSense for each type of post in my this blog, when I have high traffic then my both page CTR  & impression CTR obviously low that is good but earning not so much.So after deep reading from top so learning websites & from AdSense experiments I get CTR obviously not help to increase Adsense earning but help our blog/website to make the reputation in google ad sense.Now a question is “how we control CTR ” so our blog/website reputation maintains in google AdSense. When I talk to someone about CTR then i found CTR can reach 100% to 200% but I don’t believe this because if CTR reaches 100% or 200% means website traffic is not so much or that is because website traffic is not enough from particular country where get click.I find perfect solution of this but still I thinking if we get the click from that country then we should focus on getting some traffic from there also.
  2. CPC(Cost per click): -If you know few things about CPC then I am sure you know how to work with high CPC keyword.This is the main source of earning high from google Adsense.You always listen that some of blogger says we are not getting more earning from google Adsense after high CTR & high website traffic but some of the people says we earn so much & they have low website traffic & low Alexa rank so how these both condition occurs .This is the reason of CPC of google AdSense -in short “Amount of earning from google ads per click”.CPC of ads are decided by google Adsense & some country have already high CPC like the US, UK & CA.Other than these keywords CPC can also matter as per blog niche.
  3. Blog Niche: field ,-This is about your expertise in any field,if your blog have single niche then you get good traffic , high popularity, google reputation.Some of the niche are hub of earning like – insurance, health, beauty, hosting, google products.Single niche blog are high earning source because google always take them in 1st page & obviously good traffic comes to blog & relevant ads show on the blog as per niche.But if you have multi niche blog then i am not tell you that you earn nothing from blog.In multi niche blog earning is 50% low then single niche blog.
  4. Ad-units & Ad placement:I have already discussed d placement in the blog & where you get good click & where you get h the gh impression.A wwell-manneredad placement in the blog is a part of your blog designing.This is recommended for each aAdSenseuser to use ad-units that are recommended by google aAdSenseI aalways suggestyou to use text & display ads both.This is my experimental thoughts with asensethat if you use both text & display ads then your earning increase 20-30%.
  5. Website traffic:As i write above a single niche blog may have good traffic but multi niche have high traffic so from earning with adsense is directly proportional to website traffic.A normal blog have more than 60k-70k website traffic & new blog should try to reach these position after that think about high earning .If you see analytic snapshot of other blogger then you get motivated.Recently i write abouthow to get website traffic from social websites

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