How to Use Payoneer MasterCard?
Hello Readers! Welcome to BloggersPk. Today I am going to start how to Use Payoneer MasterCard in Pakistan. Fir of all I want tell you some information about Payoneer. Payoneer started its journey under the membership of MSP (Member Service Provider) MasterCard. Payoneer provides us a free MasterCard (Debit Card) which is accepted worldwide for payments & transactions.Payoneer came into payment market in 2005 with its headquarter in New York, but due to the company’s awesome and reliable payment services now this company have many sub branches in all over the world. Here I will tell you about every step that you need for use Payoneer Master card. If you don’t have an account on Payoneer then read my pervious article through this link “How to Make Payoneer Account” After this article if you have not an account then kindly first create an account and apply for a MasterCard, it will reach you in Pakistan within 30 days, here is the link to apply for a new card, if you signup via this below link, you will get 25$ dollars for free when you activate your account and load money to it of minimum 100$. For signup account click on given below picture.
Payoneer Master Card in Pakistan
In Pakistan you will also withdrawal money from your Payoneer MasterCard through any ATM. ATM must accepted the MasterCard. You can use the following Banks ATM in Pakistan MCB, SCB, Faisal bank and City Bank also. If you are using Payoneer MasterCard in Pakistan then let me tell you in our country Paypal and many other services are not available, Payoneer is the most reliable and faster access to have your cash with you. When you want withdrawal some money from your MasterCard then charged you some withdrawal fee by Payoneer like another ATM transaction but this card ATM withdrawal fee 2$ – 5$ approximately per transaction
How to Use MasterCard?
The very fist step is the activation of the card. When you will received your card on your home address then go for login to your Payoneer account by visiting their website After login follow these steps that you can see in this video tutorial of Payoneer MasterCard.