Google Adsense in 2016

Google Adsense in 2016:

The Google Adsense changed his policy in Pakistan. The Adsense is very difficult to get approved in Pakistan. The Pakistani people try to get Adsense but did not succeds. Today Itell you how to get adsense approved in Pakistan. The all tips are below that:

Make Website or Blog:
                                         First of all you create a niche website or blog. You update your websites on daily basis. You update you language in adsense supported languages. I remind you that make your website seo friendly and google mobile friendly. You use only your original content not use copy right content. Uload a awesome, responsive a mobile friendly theme.

           The seo is best way to get the visitor.The only help you get  the easily adsense. The seo is mean that search engine optimization. You update your website on google and other search engine. The google is number one search engine. The google webmaster tool help your to index your website. I tell you that for seo and good website and website index use now webmastertool.
Responsive Slider:
                                 The Responsive slide help you to get adsense. The side of theme  is responsive by google.
Apply for Adsense:
                                    When your site or blog become succeds. this time is for apply for the adsense. You apply the adsense, paste the ads and wait for the reviews. in the second reviews you not use harm and spam data and and refresh the pages. The 500 plus visitor help you to get the best adsense account.

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