Insert Adsense ads in Blog
There ar principally 3 ways to insert your Google AdSense Ad Code into BlogSpot .com blogs viz. a) Clicking on the “Earnings” tab in your journal dashboard; b) Through AdSense widgets; and c) Adding ad code directly into HTML/JavaScript Gadgets, posts, pages and templates.As we all know that the Google AdSense is absolutely integrated with Blogger. But, I stunned why my AdSense Ad units code wasn't showing the publicity inside my very own Google AdSense approved journalger blog itself.
Whenever i attempted to insert the ad code directly into blogger model, it results either expanse or showing XML (Extensible Markup Language) and hypertext markup language error message like:
When try and Preview Template:
Could not load model preview: Error parsing XML, line 835, column 15: Attribute name “async” related to a part kind “script” should be followed by the ‘ = ‘ character.”
When try and Save Template:
Your model couldn't be parsed because it isn't grammatical. Please make certain all XML parts ar closed properly. XML error message: The content of parts should include grammatical character knowledge or markup.”
After scratching my mind 0.5 AN hour, I return to grasp the very fact that we have a tendency to can’t directly insert Google AdSense Ads code within the journalger templates through EDIT hypertext markup language feature in blogger blog. we've to vary the code employing a easy trick by simply commutation solely the 3 special characters into string text formats:
The left angle bracket (<) replace with (<)
The right angle bracket (>) replace with (>)
The double-quote character (“) replace with (")
You may but use our one click HTML/JavaScript programme encoder tool to induce eliminate errors whereas dynamical AdSense code for your journal.