Get Google Adsense Approval With A New Blog

Get Google Adsense Approval With A New Blog

Google Adsense is one of the best ad networks to monetize a website or a blog. It is 90% better than any other CPC advertising programs. It offers the publishers the highest CTR for every web page. The publishers could make lots of revenue daily from Google Adsense. Every new webmaster has a dream to monetize his website with this ad network. But unfortunately, many of them fail. Adsense has introduced some strict rules and requirements. It seems hard to get Adsense approval for our own blog.  But, we know impossible is nothing.
  • The good news is “Getting Approval of Google Adsense with a New Blog is Now Really Easy”, if you follow some basic rules from the starting of your blog. When I first tried, I failed to get approval. But, following these rules, now I have my AdSense approved account. Thinking about this topic, I made a decision to share the basic rules of Adsense.
Google Adsense Approval

First Ready Your Blog Before Applying for Adsense:

Adsense moderators always approve those blogs whose have met up the requirements. First of all, you should make your blog ready for this process. Check first if your blog considers these requirements. Now, there are some initial basic requirements announced by AdSense team, and there are some known hacks and tricks that work. For example, on this official page it’s mentioned that for countries like China & India, publishers need to own the site for minimum 6 month, which is not a thumb-rule. Many Indian bloggershave got approval with one month old domain. The only thing which really matter here is “Quality”. Let’s look at factors which will make your blog AdSense ready:
Write High Quality Contents:
A writing proverb “Content is King” helps you understand this requirement. A high quality blog is identified with the high quality contents. Great contents mean unique, decorated, stated and clear concerted content. Some black hat webmasters say, copy paste content only between 100-200 words is enough. But, I may assure him that his journey to Adsense will be certainly finished. I think, how a blog post or a content could be only between 100-200 words? In my judgment, it is not possible to completely describe a topic within 100-200 words. And if copy paste content is enough, anybody can declare him as a blogger. Please keep in mind, Google AdSense doesn’t approve blogs with copy pasted copyright content. A well optimized blog post should be 100% unique and above 500-600 words. So, always write blog post above this limit and it must be unique which clearly determinate the post topic.
  • How to deliver quality blog content
  • How to establish quality & usefulness in a blog
Optimize Blog Post with Meta Tags and Make It Search Engine Friendly:
Optimize your unique blog post with Meta Title and Description Tag. The meta tags describe what the content is about to the crawler bots. It is not possible for Adsense editorial board to check every single website that has applied to get Adsense approval. So, positively they will use their crawler bots. The bots will check for every footprint on your blog.  That’s why you should make sure, you have specified these tags with appropriate information.
Please keep in mind that your Meta Title should be between 69 characters (including spaces) and Meta Description should be between 156 characters (including spaces). If you are using platform like WordPress or Blogger, here are two guides which will cover all basic SEO requirements:
  • A DIY guide for WordPress Blog SEO
  • BlogSpot SEO search preference
Have Sufficient Contents or Posts:
You must lead sufficient contents or posts on every page and category. In total, you should have 15-30 blog posts on your whole blog. This is not an official declaration. But, I recommend everybody to at least have it. So, you should have at least 3-4 posts in every category, tag and page. Google Adsense told that we must have sufficient contents in every single web page. So, we should add contents in all pages and categories. There shouldn’t be any blank page without any content. And these posts have to pass the minimum length of 500-600 words as it is the best blog post length. The more you increase the length, the more you go towards to get Google Adsense approval.
Blog Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months:
As I mentioned above, in certain countries like India and China, there is a requirement of 6 month for domain to apply for AdSense. Here is official statement from AdSense team:
In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months. We’ve taken this step to ensure the quality of our advertising network and protect the interests of our advertisers and existing publishers.
Some blog domain could get approved having less old than 6 months. Even, I got my Adsense account with just two month old domain. Can you imagine? But, the average domain age for certain geo-location should be 6 months.
Apply Using Root Domain:
You should always apply using the root domain like Not
Be Serious to Choose Content Images:
Google Adsense doesn’t approve blogs if they lead to copyrighted contents. Copyrighted means the things that have been copied from others directory without their permission. And we make fault everytime when choosing an image. Some people just go to an image directory, take their suitable images and upload these on their blogs. Did they ever check if they have permission to use these? Really sad news is that, most of the webmasters who fail to get Adsense because of this copyrighted law. And this is really caused by copyrighted images. Here are guides which will help you to find images for free:
  • How to find free images for blog post using Flickr
  • Where to find images online – Free & Paid?
Lead a Nice design and Blog Structure:
Blog structure is the basic structure of your blog. So, make sure that you have a nice looking header, content area, sidebar, footer etc. Always think if the visitors will like the structure. If people like it, Adsense would definitely like it. First impression of any blog comes with blog design, and you can take advantage of any professional looking templates (free or paid), and use it on your blog.
  • 10 premium looking templates for BlogSpot blogs
  • Codelight : A responsive WordPress template for tech blogs
Check if Your Blog is Not Blocked by Google:
Be sure that, your blog is not blocked by Google. Because Adsense will check your blog statistics on their search engine. Don’t know how to check it? Just search for “” on Google. If you find out search results, your blog is not blocked. But, if you not, it is blocked.
Don’t Have Adsense Prohibited Content:
Adsense has directly told that, sites with adult contents, copyrighted contents, drug alcohol related contents, hacking cracking contents, violent contents, weapons related contents and other illegal contents will not be approved.
  • Read: 10 simple tips to avoid violating AdSense TOS
Visitors Are Not a Factor for Approval Yet:
For getting Adsense approved, visitors are not a factor. Because, you will get approved depending on your blog quality. It is sure that the Adsense moderator will never check for visitor count. So,don’t worry about visitors. But, for generating revenues you must have enough visitors.
Here is one video where Harsh talked about getting AdSense approval:
Applying for Google Adsense:
If you follow all the above mentioned tips, you are most likely to get your AdSenseapplication approval at first go. But, before you apply for the same, here are two articles that you should definitely refer to:

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