Adsense approval very fast

Adsense approval very fast(Guide and Trick
Everyone knows that it is very difficult to get a Google adsense account approval  within few days, If you become Successful in getting Google Adsense approval then you must will be in lots of advantages.Today here i am going to show you some very useful techniques and tips with which you can easily get Google Adsense approval for your site or blog.Here is the some quick ways and i will also show you a videotutorial in this post. Soo lets start!
 Very easy and quick Google Adsense approval ways.
So many extra tips to get Google Adsense account very easily.
What type of niche you can use to get Google Adsense aaccount.
We have Wonderful Google Adsense experience.Let us start it by sharing with you.There was a very good time when we got our first Adsense approval, At that time we all were excited and was very happy to get  a new Google Adsense accountfor earning money.We started to do so many experiments with that Google Adsnseaccount not earning but only for gaining disappointment.And we got banned from Google Adsense many times.When the Google Adsnse banned our accounts we do not lose hope and courage.And we applied the mentioned steps in the post to get the Adsnse approval again. 
How we can get A fast and easy Google Adsense approval:
If you have a very good blog having very good traffic from search engines and other social media.Even in that situation you will have to work hard to get Google Adsense approval.Below is the some requirements we need to approve a Google Adsenseaccount with in a month.
  1. Must use quality Content
  2. Attention of US users
  3. Usage of no extra ad
  4. Improved navigation
  5. Some important pages
Use of High quality Content
When you are going to apply for a Google Adsense publisher account.Many of times in reply you recieve that you don’t have enough content on your blog or website.This massage does not means that you have not add some more content to your blog or site but it means that you have not Unique content in your site or blog.
In order to prevent yourself this type of message from Google Adsense, you should:
  • Must put initial paragraphs and titles , Insert your keywords in the Heading of post.
  • When you write a post then it must be more than 500 words.
  • Use Titles and Alt tags for images.
  • Have a 2 – 3 keyword density for best results.
Attention of Us users:
In order to increase the Google Adsense approval chances, you must need to drive some Us traffic for your site.Must try to drive traffic on your site from search engines and also from the social media pages such as Twtter and Facebook.
Usage of no extra Ads:
If you are really want to get a quick Google Adsense account approval,Make sure that your site or blog have only the Google Adsense Ads.I mean remove all the other Ads related to the other Ads network except Google Adsense. Google just want to show their own ads on a single blog or web site.Also remove the Pop-ups and Fcaebook Subscriptions, As these facts can decrease the chances of Adsense approval. 
Improved Navigation:
In order to provide more exposure and a better experience with your site to the readers and viewers.Must make sure that you are using a User friendly theme and site navigation.You can add recent articles and popular articles to your blog or website to improve the site navigation bar.
Some Important pages:
Before you apply for Google Adsense approval, Somehow , Make sure that you are working very well on these pages:
  • Privacy policy
  • Contact us 
  • About me/us
  • Disclaimer
  • Terms and conditions
Here is the complete brief on above pages:
#1.Privacy policy
Listen very carefully that if you have not any privacy policy page yet,then create this page as soon as possible. Infect you can create it now.Privacy policy page helps you to build more impression on Google and its also increase trust of users.
If you wish to create this page then this is very easy to create please go to Google and search for “Privacy policy Generator” ,Add your URL of site and just paste the generates policies on your created page.
#2.Contact us
Usually the contact us page have just a few lines of your contact detail.And this page is must for the Adsense approval just you have to add some of your contact detail or contact form.Where your User can contact you easily.
#3.About me/us
About us page is holds very less importance from google but it should must have in your site to know that who you are and from where you belong and what you can do.It is always improve the quality of our site.
Niches which you can use that is beneficial for you:
  • Teach and law: it will provide you high CPC
  • Health niche: These both niches have high CPC and CPM
  • Dating and education: Both have very low CPC but high CPM
  • Funny: This niche have reasonable CPC but very high CTR
Make More and More Money from Google Adsense:
Try some our approved tips to increase Adsense earning:
  • Just use only those keywords which have high CPC and CPM
  • Make it sure that your ads are shown above the fold
  • Your ads should be close to keywords
  • Must Use Google DFP
These tips will must work for you and must try these tips once.You will see the results very soon.Let me know that if you are facing any problem related to this post then please comment below.Remember me in your prayers I am USMAN TARIQ.Take care of yourself!:D