Now days everyone want to earn money with easy methods but believe me earning money is not that much easy as you think but it is not impossible. I believe that you should have to work hard to get something, there are many real and fake website’s for earn money online but don’t worry if you chose any of method given in this article you will surely earn money online but as i said before that you should have to work hard at the beginning and then after sometime you will get the result of your hard working let me explain the methods below.
Blogging is the most easiest way for earning money, but you should know English writing and grammar very well so that you can write attractive and unique articles. You need to create a new blog, if you want to invest some money at the beginning then purchase a hosting and domain name and go with “WordPress” which is much better then blogger or if you don’t have enough money then go with Blogger create a blog on that niche on which you can easily write articles. If your blog is having enough articles ( 80 to 100) then apply for ads for your website like Adsense etc.
Freelancing is another easiest way but when you have the skills of web development, web designing, logo design, Photoshop ,etc after that you can join site like Freelancer.com there are lot of people searching for person to work for them. add your work on the site and give some samples if someone like your work they will give you a contract, complete the contract in time and get paid by the person.
Most you people use Youtube for watching videos they don’t even know that we can also earn from Youtube, now i will tell you step by step how to earn from earn. First you need to create your account or use your existing one, then chose a easy channel name so that users can easily access to your channel, Now upload high quality video,try to upload tutorials, mobile reviews, about websites. Keep uploading till you gain huge audience then if you having 500 about subscribes become Youtube partner.YouTube is looking for channels in which they can sell advertising on and make money don’t upload copy right material after that you can easily earn from Youtube.