Check Availability and Enable 3G in your Android Phone: As we all know that 3G and 4G services were recently launched in major cities of Pakistan.So you can also check thatif 3g service is available at your location or not and experience 3G service in your android by simple methods.
But after going through the method , you need to have a 3G compatible smartphone. So if you want to check that your smartphone is compatible with 3G  service or not, you have to check the specifications which are sometimes written in the box or you can check them on-line. 
Example :
I am taking Samsung Galaxy S5 as an example so in the screenshot you can clearly see that it can support 3G and as well as 4G service:
3g sericve

Method to Enable 3G service and check availability in your city :
We are showing the method of Android 4.0 or above Operating Sytem:
  • Go to the Applications 
  • Then click on Settings
  • Click on more/ more setting which is below the Wifi & Bluetooth settings
  • Now go to mobile networks 
  • Then click on ” Network mode” 
  • A popup appears were you can see three options (1.WCDMA Only,2.Gsm Only,3.WCDMA(preferred)/Gsm)
  • You have to select the third option “WCDMA(preferred)/Gsm” 
  • Now you have to go back to ” Mobile Networks” menu and then click on” Service Providers” this options allows your phone to search 3G networks available at your location.
  • When the results will appear it show all the networks available in your location with having 2g or 3g services so if your network is 3g enabled and appearing in the results you have to click on it and your are done 
  • Once your smartphone is connected then go to Settings>About Phone>status to see “Mobile Network Type” 
Final Words:
I hope this article will help you to enjoy 3G service in your smartphone. If you are facing any problem or want to ask questions related to this article free feel to comment below :)

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