Affilate Products
This year has probably created what we know to be the most fertile soil for the SEO industry. And while many still subscribe to old practices the paradigm has shifted rather dramatically. SEO, now taken as an industry that tightly interlinks with all other marketing sectors, can be applied in various verticals and through plethora of fields.So adopting some creative and lateral thinking from chaps way smarter than me, I’ve decided to use SEO as a means to build yet another online business model.This model, depending on your ability to leverage SEO in more creative ways, focuses on affiliate marketing. If you’ve been in the field for a while, there is probably no need to explain the concept of affiliate marketing further. No doubt, ranking high for products that tend to sell a lot builds some rather serious income streams.Irrespective of that, there is this trend with many people, and throughout my own experience with projects, to enter this game without regards to timing. And though this might seem fairly innocuous to some, I’m here to tell you a secret- Having information about when to enter the market, along with implementing some rather elementary SEO can mean increasing your earnings tenfold.
Enter Pre-launch affiliate marketing campaigns
What vast majority of people seem to miss is the fact that most companies that launch products today do an amazing job with pre-launch marketing. But why is this so important, and why does it matter to you?Allow me to school you about a single secret that hides in plain sight. What the sum of all these marketing efforts amounts to, is the fact that the largest portion of the sales are made within the first two or three months.
Numbers vary with examples, but most of them seem to show that these marketing campaigns target early adopters, and companies tailor their products especially for them.This knowledge can be used to create a model that is going to capitalize on those numbers.
Some examples as to understand the potential
The first time I saw someone trying to capitalize on this model I was blown away. A lucrative and obviously scalable model done in 2004, it seems as though Darren Rowse was very creative with it.