At least once a week I receive an email from a reader whose comment was waiting for moderation but never made it to the blog. What happened? Probably I didn’t approve it.While I don’t remember the reason for not approving every single comment, I do know the pattern I use to approve/delete comments waiting for moderation, and I believe it might be useful if you care about your comments showing up, either in this blog or on others.Below you’ll find the factors I take into consideration, from most important to least:
1. Does the comment contain a link?
If it does there’s a 90% chance I’ll delete it. The only exception is those comments where the link is really relevant to the content of the post. For instance, the post mentions something but doesn’t cover it in detail, and the commenter posts a link to an article explaining that concept. Other than that, link equals deletion.Note: I mean a link in the body of the comment. I am fine with people listing their websites, which will appear as a link on their names.
2. Does the commenter left a real name?
If you use a keyword as your name, such as “Cheap Auto Parts” or “Best Vacation Places” I’ll delete your comment right away.Even if your name is not a keyword but something weird like “yaffffi” or “rakhkun,” I’ll think twice before approving it. Sure, I’ll read the body of the comment to decide, but not using a real name certainly won’t help you.
3. Is the comment relevant to the post? Does it add value?
If I can’t connect the main message of your comment with the topic of the post I’ll probably delete it, cause I can’t be sure it’s spam or not.Sometimes the comment might be relevant, but it doesn’t add any value. For instance, on a post about diet-coke you might writing this comment: “Wow, nice post about diet-coke!”. It’s relevant, but doesn’t add any value whatsoever, so the comment will be deleted.
What about you. What factors do you take into consideration when moderating comments?