Easy Ways

Easy Ways:
How to Read Faces?
The question arises about how to read a human faces? An innocent face can hide a dangerous motives and even an unattractive face can be friendly and innocent. If you know the art of reading faces, you will never be carried away by just the looks. Face reading is popular art since the historical era. The following tips will help you to learn face reading. Read faces and have a clear idea about human beings even before they speak to you.
How to Read Forehead?
The forehead’s shape determines the method of thinking that the persons use (not intelligence). There are three types of forehead profiles; sloped, straight and rounded. Below is an explanation of each type:
The Straight Forehead (Progressive Thinker) person follows a progressive style in his thinking; he can’t jump to the third point without first knowing the second. Sometimes he is misunderstood as a child and thought of as dumb, but in fact, he may be very intelligent; it’s just his progressive style of thinking that needs to be taken into consideration.
The Slopped Forehead (Fast Responder) is a person build conclusions fast, to the extent that he may interrupt you many times when talking because he keeps on guessing what are you about to say. This person may get bored talking to someone with a straight forehead because of the speed difference between them. The response of such a person is very fast, and that’s why you tend to find most football and basket ball players with slopped foreheads, and again I repeat, this is not related to intelligence at all. These people are also fast decision makers.
The Curved Forehead (Creative) is very creative, just notice how the heads of those who study fine arts; you will notice how most them have curved foreheads. That person would hate restrictions and rules; he likes to use his imagination, and would probably hate math and accounting but excel in arts.
How to Read Eyes?
When talking about reading eyes we should consider the distance between eyes, I mean he horizontal distance between the tips of your eyes. This distance, in face reading, determines this person’s concern for details. If the distance is small, then that person may be very detail-specific but if it’s large that person may be more interested in the bigger picture.
Someone with a small eye distance: That person has a very strong ability to concentrate. When he concentrates, he grows very focused and hates to be disturbed and may thus be easily stressed. That person has a deep interest in details; if you are telling him a story, make sure you include small details that other people may have no concern for.That person may also be very short on tolerance, especially if was emotionally sensitive.
Someone with a large eye distance: This person may have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. He is relaxed by nature and doesn’t care much about small details. He is only focused on the big picture, which makes them good managers.
How to Read Lips?
Big Lips: A person with big lips tends to be very talkative , and will hardly ever be silent; he likes to talk a lot and tell stories, he provides very good company when in groups. But if not accompanied with good listeners, people may end up irritated and annoyed of his continuous talking.
Small Lips: A person with small lips tends to be less talkative. He tends to keep his private life away from others and may hide his inner emotions and feelings. He can also hold on to secrets for years, unlike the big lip guy who ca hardly hold a secret, unless of course he’s bound by some strong influencing force like religion that holds him from spreading all the news!! A thin lipped person may be very cautious and not an adventure lover.
How to Read Nose?
Big Nose: People with big nose hate receiving orders and like being their own bosses; they don’t like doing small tasks and prefer making bigger contribution. That’s why these people won’t hardly ever be your bar tender or receptionist; they like higher ranks and may fight for them.
These people get bored easily from systematic repetitive work, if you are a manager, handing off donkey work to these people would be a great mistake.
Small Nose: A person with a small nose does not have problems dealing with repetitive and systematic work; you are most likely to find secretaries and people of similar jobs people with small noses. Of course they may get bored of routine work, but not as fast as a big nosed fellow.
Eagle Nose: the hooked nose or one that looks like the eagle’s hook from the side view is what we’re talking about here. A person with a nose like this one has the same characteristics as that of a big nosed person but with a bit of exaggeration; to get along with such a person, make sure you respect him and make him feel important.
The Helper’s Nose: If, from the side view, the nose is concave with a round tip, then this person has a helper’s nose. He is called the helper because he has a natural tendency to help others; he may join charity groups for the satisfaction he feels upon doing these kinds of activities. The only drawback is that he is, at times, taken advantage of by his friends by making him do lots of things instead of doing them themselves. Problem you’re facing.

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