Hack Facebook Password

Hack Facebook Password

"Your account is temporarily locked"!

Surely no one would love to see this terrible message when you try to login to your Facebook account. But terrible things like this do happen to social media users nowadays.
Well, no need to lament the temporary loss of access. Where's there a lock, there's also a key!
The concerns over privacy have been increasing on all social media sites, with Facebook and Twitter topping the lists of being the most vulnerable to a hack attack. In such a scene, while the users do need to up their privacy settings and set stronger passwords, nonetheless, the black hats do have a creepy way to barge into places unknown.
If you are just one of those 'poor souls' being denied access to their holy ground of social networking, we suggest you follow these steps to quickly rectify the malady.
A word of caution here. These essential steps are only for those Facebook-ers whose accounts have been unjustly tampered with and not for the 'social gigolos' who violate the Community rules.
So here's what the first question to strike you should be - Why did my account get temporarily locked? You see the catch word here is "Locked" not "Blocked/Disabled". So the situation is not as difficult as it seems to be. If you are the true owner of the account, you simply follow the procedures and get back what is rightly your domain.
1.Login to your Facebook account again using the same i.d and password. You will immediately get a pop up "Your account has been temporarily locked". Click on the "Continue" button you see in the pop-up alert. You will automatically be re-directed to Facebook's security alert page.
2.On the page, enter the correct caption and code you see for a security check and click "Next" to proceed.
3.To verify your identity as the real account holder, Facebook will pop some security questions or ask you to identify your friends from a picture that shall be displayed.
4.Correctly enter the friend's names. Following the correct identification, you can unlock your account.
These actions are only workable through a laptop or a PC only. Mobile devices do not allow the rectification process to happen. However to up your chances against a lock and hack activity, you can also take note of these Security Tips.
1.Avoid logging into your account from other devices. If you are using too many devices to login to your Facebook account, the possibility of facing the same problem again increases.
2.Its's best not to login using proxy servers. The reason is that proxy servers do not have a proper IP's, making your account liable to a easy hack.
3.Keep changing your password as often as possible. Do not use easy information like a date of birth or "QWERTY" while setting the passwords. They are too easy to hack.
Keep in mind these tips and follow the steps to unlock your Facebook account. You can let us know if you have any other queries/problems such as these and we'll help you solve it swiftly.

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