Online Earning

Online Earning

                                       The reward will be a flexible working that fits your schedule and get a job that you have a better lifestyle. So if you want to know how to make money online with a real job, read on!

1. Virtual Assistant
How to get money online

How I make money online with this work 10 years ago, this job did not even exist; 
but today, however, has a huge demand for people who need to hire a helper for your company.You'll have to give general assistance: administrative, preparing schedules and timetables, reservations (in restaurants for business lunches, or flights, hotels, etc.) and even planning meetings, all from your own home office.What to offer: the requirements for this job are administrative experience, and good organizational skills and time management to reconcile a multitude of tasks. Besides polite when answering the phone.You can expect to earn: about $ 10 an hour if you get the position through a temp agency, and about $ 20 to $ 30 an hour if you work directly with customers.
Where to find work: for this type of job search websites offers temporary work in your city or country; 
or other job sites like Freelance or, if you live in the United States, the page has a list of companies that hire virtual assistants.

2. Reseller online
How to make money with Internet

How I make money online with this work: you can earn large sums of money selling items online to get people who want to sell all their junk, but are too busy to do it themselves, you get hired to do.
What to offer: your ambition and experience selling goods on auction sites like Ebay; 
in addition to see that you are an Internet expert to better promote your services.
You can expect to earn: sellers determine the price according to the market and the value of the items they sell. 
Some charge a fixed fee for each item sold (between $ 5 to $ 25 normally), and others charge a percentage of total sales (between 20% and 40%).
Depending on the volume of your business, resell on Ebay or other sites (whether websites or physical stores) can become a full-time job very lucrative.
Where to Find Work: If you are an active eBay seller, or want to start this business from scratch, you can make real money online by creating a page or blog offering your services as online reseller.
You can also get more customers than you can handle with the same techniques seeking nannies to care for children, that is, making business cards and distributing them among friends and family, sticking posters around your neighborhood with your services, etc.

3. Employee of a call center
How to make money from home

How I make money online with this work: Customers used to call a company to complain or buy a product to the offices of these companies. 
But now the virtual call centers direct those calls to the phone of an agent's home.
These agents receive a script for how to answer possible questions and provide information on services or products that the company needs to give or sell.
What to offer: professional and friendly phone presence; the ability to read the script that you provided and make it sound natural. 
In addition to a quiet work area in your house where you can labor.
You can expect to earn: between $ 7 and $ 15 per hour, although some of these jobs also give incentives if large volumes of sales are made.
Where to Find Work: Web provides jobs in call centers in Spain, USA, Chile and Colombia; 
but in Elance and Odesk page you will also find a lot of offers for any country in the world.

4. Translation of documents
How to make money with Internet

How I make money online with this work: in 2012, the online translation market generated $ 9 billion. 
So if you speak a second language fluently and translate documents from one language to another to, you can make real money online with it.
If you have further questions about how to make money from home on the Internet to be a translator, you need to read the article "13 tips that anyone will tell you not to fail as a translator from home."
What to offer: the ability to read, write and speak more than one language fluently. You can find a lot of work to be translated into English, French, or Chinese. 
But the more difficult it is a language, the more opportunities to work.
You can expect to earn: $ 10 to $ 50 per hour.
Where to Find Work: You can visit the website to find deals and get an idea of ​​what each job involves.
Although more directly can also be contact the human resources department of a foreign company in your city to ask if there is any place for you.

5. data entry worker
I want to make money online

How to make money online with this work: businesses are always looking for people to help them "go digital" by passing their written documents to a computer. 
Or to enter data to update their files regularly.
And this is exactly what makes a data entry worker: take the documents or databases that the company provides, and type these words into the computer. 
If until now you did not know how to make money online without investing anything, this may be the ideal method for you.
What to offer: a computer, and agility and speed when typing with your keyboard.
You can expect to earn: $ 6 to $ 20 per hour; 
This often depends on the speed with which you handle your computer keys: a faster, more money you will pay.
Where to find work: the demand for jobs is very high, but also full of fraudulent posts. 
Look on reliable websites like Craigslist and Google (type "online data entry work" in this search engine), or contact the human resources departments of companies in your city.

6. Employee Customer Service
How to make money with Internet

How to make money online with this job: When you need to know the phone number of someone, and call the telephone information service at 3 am, the person answering will surely is someone like you who is at home with her 
There are many companies or businesses that need people to handle calls outside normal working hours, and it is this that is to be used for Customer Service.
What to offer: availability for work outside normal working hours (at night, at dawn), a nice and calm personality, and a telephone and a computer.
You can expect to earn: $ 8 to $ 14 an hour, although some companies offer incentives for having to work on a night shift.
Where to Find Work: seeking offers for this job websites like (web in several languages ​​including Spanish, and to all countries) or (also in Spanish and for several countries).

7. Transcription of interviews
Make Money Fast Internet

How to make money online with this work: journalists and novelists spend dozens of hours doing interviews, and many do not have time to transcribe these talks.
But thanks to the Internet, send a digital audio file through email is very simple. And all you have to do is listen well, write, and re-send it. 
It is, in fact, one of the best and easiest ways to make real money online.
What to offer: take accuracy and speed when typing on your keyboard, and a good pair of headphones to listen to interviews well and make them easier to understand.
You can expect to earn: $ 5 to $ 40 per hour!
Where to Find Work: looking for sites that require transcription services and the page if you live in USA; 
Latin America or Spain you can find works of this type in the Job sites Freelance or Elance.
Or you can contact your city newspapers, magazines, or television, and offer your services. 
To find writers of novels, looking websites of these writers and send an email or a letter as the contact methods that appear on your page.

8. Content Writer
How to make money with Internet

How to make money from the Internet with this work: companies often do not have staff to create content for their websites, so moving these tasks to freelancers. 
With thousands of new sites are created every day, writers are in great demand today.
What to offer: talented to express yourself concisely, creativity to express an idea in words, and meet deadlines. 
Companies often want content belonging to a specific area of ​​expertise, so it also helps that highlights the areas where you have more knowledge.
You can expect to earn: There is a wide range of payment when writing web content, from nothing or amounts like $ 5, up to hundreds of dollars for each project.
The average payment for writing 1,000 words is usually $ 40, and some 10,000 words can get to pay you to nothing more and nothing less than $ 400. 
So if you know how to generate money online with this job, you may find an activity with great economic benefits.
Where to Find Work: also on the web no offers for this job; 
but if you know how to write in English, you will pay for an assigned content.
Here, the more traffic and visitors receive your tickets, you will earn more money. 
Although if you think you could fit into any particular company, you can send them a test of your articles and offer your services.

9. Blogger or affiliated YouTuber
How to earn extra money

How to make money from the Internet with this work: if you have a blog or a YouTube channel that attracts numerous visitors, many companies will pay you (or will send products) by placing ads with links to their pages.
If you want to know more about how to make money from home with Internet on YouTube, you can read the article with all the steps you'll find here in
What to offer: an audience that has a connection with potential members; For example, if your blog is about beauty, advertisers affiliates may be trademarks of makeup companies. 
Or if you talk about parenting issues, you can place ads of clothing stores for children or toys.
You can expect to earn: the pay scale depends on the number of clicks on the ads that your blog or YouTube channel generated, although the amount is usually about $ 10 to $ 50 per 1,000 ads that people see or click on them.
Where to find work: the easiest and fastest way is linking your blog or YouTube channel and created an AdSense account;but there are other methods such as direct contact with companies offering them a space for your ads

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