


The Ainol Nono 7 legend is the  most popular tablet now a days because of its cheapest price and best features.Android 4.1(Jelly Bean) is integrated on this tablet it is powered by A9 Quad Core processor having 1GB of Ddr 3 Ram,8gb internal storage and supports sd card upto 32gb,with 7 Inch of Capacitive Screen.0.3 front camera allows you to chat face to face.

 Cherry Prism Tablet(Rs. 9,999):

A72C-B-6asd454-002-500x500The Cherry Prism is a tablet with best features at cheap rates,Google Android 4.0 is integrated on Cherry Prism,powered by BOXCHIP A10 1.2Ghz processor with 512 mb Ram,4gb internal storage and sd card supported .1.3 mega pixel front camera and 7 inche of  Capacitive Touch Screen.

Ainol Novo 7 Crystal Tablet(Rs. 12,499)

no-name-5617-93311-1-zoomThe Ainol Novo 7  is the best tablet becaues i have also used this tablet and this tablet is realy awesome because of its features and price.Android 4.1 ( Jelly Bean OS ) integrated on this tablet powered by Cortex-A9 dual core 1.5GHz processor,with 1gb of Ram .8gb internal storage and sd card also supported.2.o mega pixel camera for video calling with 7 inche of Capacitive touch screen.

Ramos W27 Tablet(Rs. 16,899)

no-name-0077-22431-1-zoomThis tablet is recently available in Pakistan market.Android 4.0.3 integrated on this tablet powered by Dual Core Mali400*2 1.5GHz porcessor,with 1gb of Ram,16gb of internal storage supports sd card 10.1 inch capacitive touch screen multi touch with 5 points touch.

Acer Ionia Tablet(Rs. 19,999)
no-name-8009-19911-1-zoomAccer tablets are becoming very much popular because Accer is porviding advanced feature tablets with cheap rate,Android Jelly Bean (4.1) is integrated on this tablet powered by Mediatek dual-core 1.2GHz processor,8gb internal storage and supports sd card upto  32gb,0.3 front camera for video conversation.7 inch of capacitive multi touch screen.

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