Adsense Approval Tips
As we all know that Google’s Adsense program is currently Top ranking program as they pay per click and as well as for impressions and there is no limit as you can earn more and more depending on your Website’s Traffic and as it is from Google and we all know that it is one of the top or I must say the toppest Company and we can trust them as they wont scam or do all that kind of stuff so anyone can trust them.Now the main question comes is that can I just open Google Adsense Form and type in my site name fill the contact information and that’s it I start earning ? No not at all its not that easy to get approved and getting Google Adsense Approval is like dreams come true.
New Google Adsense Approval Procedure.
Now Google has completely changed its verification process because Earlier they just used to tell us to fill Google Adsense form and then they would review it within a week and if it meet the Adsense TOS (Terms of Service) then only you get the Approval and after Approval you can use the Adsense Ad code anywhere on any Website until Website dosen’t spoil Adsense TOS.Earlier many people started scamming Google Adsense Program by Selling Adsense Approved account for 20$ to 30$ and how do they did that they used to apply with an Awesome Website of someone else and as I said earlier once Approved we can use Adsense Ad code anywhere on any site and then they used to sell those Adsense accounts.Now no longer you scamming people’s now be aware now the method has changed now when you apply for the Google Adsense and if the site meets its TOS then they Approve it and give you the access to generate Ad code but this is not fully Approved account after Approving the Google Adsense Officials come to the Website which you provided when signing up and see to it that whether you have provided your own Website or not by checking that the Ad code which was generated from that particular account is used or not on that particular website.
If it is used you get fully verified account.This ensures that you have signed up using your own Website rather than others and if you have not used the code generated on that website then you won’y get Google Adsense Approval and your application will be rejected.Now Today I will be showing you guys how to get Google Adsense Approval in a month or two for any country by just following the 10 tips provided by me below.
Google Adsense Approval Requirements 2015 :-
Google Adsense Approval is just 10 Steps Away from you those 10 Steps are Below So remember walk slowly and see each and every Step Properly and I’am sure you will reach Google Adsense without Falling. 
1)Post quality unique article’s doing proper keyword research which will be good for SEO about 40 – 50 blog posts (above 300 words but if above 500 words would be better) and note never copy any thing from anywhere as Google is too smart to catch you and will never ever accept your Adsense account always write Fresh Unique Content and be Fresh i.e always maintain a clean Identity in front of Google.
2)Your Website/Blog must have pages like Privacy Policy , Terms of Service , About us and Contact us these increases your chances of acceptance by 40% and Note use appropriate Title and Description for your each and every page and it should match your Website’s Content.
3)Always use Search Engine friendly Links for your Website and make your Website design look as Simple as you can and remember to use eye catching links which people do search in order to know what people search you can search Google for Google Keyword Tool it shows you what people do really search.If you are using WordPress then its Awesome as there are many plugins like the All in one SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or SEO Plugin by Yoast there are many but according to me these two are the best (Never use Both Together), because of WordPress SEO by Yoas Plugin as you can see in the Image Below if you search on Google for How to run whatsapp on Ipad you can see my Website on First page and in just 2 – 3 days my site came on the First page of Google Isn’t it Awesome !
4)In order to get 1 step more further to Google Adsense Approval your Website must have a Sitemap so create a Sitemap for your Website/Blog and creating a Sitemap is not hard its done in minutes (you can use Google XML Sitemap Plugin).
5)Always check your Website Broken Links and Never ever add any Illegal Articles or Copyrighted Materials like Images,Videos(Movie Trailers) Note if you wanna add Movie Trailers then many or I think all Movie Companies have their official Youtube Channel so dont download and then put on your website instead you can Embed that same official Video to your Website/Blog as it wont spoil any Adsense TOS as you are just doing Fairuse and its completely Legal,dont download the video and then upload it to your Youtube Channel and then Embed it its strictly against Google Adsense TOS and remember Google is very strict in terms or Copyright.
6)According to me you must submit your Website to Google Webmasters Tools (Also Submit to Bing and Webmaster Tools) and Google Analytics as Google Analytics helps in good verification of your Website’s Traffic and shows that the Traffic is 100% original rather than any bot (Fake Generated) Traffic and Google Webmaster Tools helps in indexing your Website on Google Search Engines and creates your good identity on Google Search Engines and also for Visitors as more top indexing will result in more Traffic and good identity.
7)Always use just one persons Google account and Sign up for Adsense using that same account and also provide Real Names and Address dont put anything fake.
8)If you are under 18 then don’t Sign-up as you must be above 18 according to Adsense TOS and if you wanna use Adsense then according to Adsense TOS use your Parent’s or Gurdian’s information Note using under 18 Google Account and providing information of your parents for Google Adsense is not correct use everything of your Parents even the Google Account,Address,Payee Name etc..
9)Always use Adsense Supported Languages I would prefer English.
10)And at last the most Important thing applying with is ok but then you will need a very good and big Website for Approval but using Top Level Domains increases your approval chances by 50% so host your website on your own domain name like not and you can use any .com or .org etc..If you Follow these 10 Steps you will be Approved for sure in a month.If you like this post then your feedback will be appreciated and if you have any doubts then feel free to comment down below I will be glad to assist you,you can also Subscribe to my Newsletter below to stay updated with my latest posts which will right away delivered to your inbox as soon as I publish or you can also Follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook or Add me to your Google Plus Circles.