Adsense for Blogger:
Blogger has some weird structure of template for most of the bloggers who are not familiar with xml and html but trust me it’s much easy and in case of me I can easily develop some templates for in minutes out of the scratch but very basic one since styling the template takes time. You can easily embed ads for every post in the blogger which can be placed at the top of the post or at the bottom of the post, as decided by you. If you try to copy and paste the Adsense code in your template directly then you get an error that: “Unable Parsing Template – Blogger template Error” and then you try to add same code in widgets and in the sidebar, which isn’t of any use because your CTR gets down. Following are the steps to insert ad code into the blogger posts:
- Login into your account.
- Go to the blog where you want to add the Adsense code in posts.
- Go to templates an click “Edit HTML” and then a window will popup which will show XML code of your template.
- Press “Ctrl+F” and then find “data:post.body” and any thing which you willwrite before this tag will appear at the start of the post body and any thing which you will paste after this code will appear at the end of post body.
- At this stage, Grab the ad code which you want to show up in the blogger posts. Magic begins here! Copy the code and first you will have to use anHTML entity converter, Go to this HTML Entity Converter and page the code at Text Input and then press Encode Text and copy the Adsense converted code from the bottom Output field.
- Copy this code and paste it before the <data:post.body> or after the<data:post.body> to make the add show before or after the post. That’s it! You can similarly add Adsense code any where in your blog template easily.