Promote Youtube Channel

Promote Youtube Channel

Social media is a fun and engaging way to promote your YouTube channel. From announcing new video uploads on Facebook to tweeting at your followers on Twitter, you can reach a global audience from the convenience of your own home.The key to getting maximum results from your YouTube channel’s social media accounts is to choose the proper platforms that fit not only your audience, but will best benefit your vlog channel.One great choice for marketing your YouTube channel on social media is Google+.Let’s look at how you can use Google Plus to promote your YouTube channel and get more views for your vlogs!
Create a Google+ Account/PageThis first step should be fairly obvious to you. As with all of social media, it is impossible to promote your videos without an account. When you set up Google+ to promote your vlog channel, you have two options. You may set up a Google+ account that is specifically for your YouTube channel or you may set up a Google+ page under your own personal name. (This is similar to setting up a Facebook fan page or a personal Facebook account.)
Your Page Should Represent Your Vlog Channel
As mentioned above, you can choose to have your Google+ page represent yourself or your vlog channel. Basically, the best way to go about this is to create a Google Plus page dedicated to your YouTube channel.Once you’ve created your new page, upload a cool, representative cover picture and profile picture. These should be branded and recognizably associated with your YouTube channel. Remember, the more branding you do, the more people will recognize your channel logo, signature catchphrases and your style.
That kind of brand recognition is highly valuable.
Growing Your Google+ PageNow, let’s talk about getting more followers on Google+ for your YouTube channel. Before you start following other users or advertising your Google+ page on any other social networks, start by filling out your profile entirely. Include important and relevant keywords and phrases, but be sure not to do any keyword stuffing.
Make sure that your profile information flows and reads easily and that it tells people what your YouTube channel is about and why they should keep up with your vlogs.
Next, start letting the world know that your fans can find you on Google+.
Post on Facebook.
Tweet on Twitter.
Take a screen-cap and post a link on Instagram.
Add a link to your YouTube channel’s about page.
Get your Google+ page following started with the help of your existing fans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and any other social platforms that you use. Let your audience know that they can find even more fun and cool information related to your YouTube channel on Google+.
You should also include a link to your Google+ page within the first two lines of each of your YouTube video descriptions when you’re focusing on growing your Google Plus following. Draw more attention to this by mentioning that your fans can follow you on Google+ at the end of your vlogs, too.
Also, be sure to add everyone you know from Google’s suggestions to your Google+ page, and start getting involved and engaged with what they have to say that pertains to your channel and the vlog topics you discuss.
Use Your Google+ Page as a Blog
Now let’s talk about how you can use your Google+ page to engage your audience and get more interaction for your YouTube channel. To start with, Google+ really lends itself to use as a blog. While you should keep your posts on the shorter side, think of this as your social media mini-blog site. Unlike Twitter or Facebook, you have a little bit more room to play with content on Google+, so use it to write about cool topics that your fans and viewers will like reading about.And, of course, always share your videos on Google+ whenever you upload them, as well. Limit yourself to one meaningful and engaging post per day. On days that you post vlogs, you have that content taken care of, but on other days you can post links to related vlogs, thoughts on relevant subjects/topics, behind-the-scenes news, and much more!
Starting a Google+ Community PageIn addition to posting on your own page, you can create a Google+ community page that acts as a sort of forum where you and your viewers can discuss topics related to your YouTube channel and relevant interests. To create a community page, just click on the “Google+ Page” dropdown menu on the upper left hand side of the page, and then click on “Communities”. Then just click on the blue box labeled “Create community”, make sure that it’s not restricted and that it is public, and give it a good name related to your YouTube channel. Then you’ll be ready to start socializing!
Start following other Google+ users in your vlogging niche or industry and invite them to join your community page. Let others know about your community page on your YouTube channel, your vlog’s Google+ page, and other social media sites.
Use Relevant HashtagsHashtags have begun to make appearances all across social media. Use this trending tag tool to promote your YouTube channel on Google+. When you share a new YouTube vlog, make sure to include relevant hashtags that Google+ users may search for. Now, hashtags are not as widely used on Google+ yet as they are on Twitter, so don’t flood your description with hashtags just because your description doesn’t have a short limit. Use hashtags in moderation and be selective.If you aren’t sure what hashtags are best on Google+, you can explore any hashtags you may frequently use on Twitter by inputting them in the search bar on Google+.This will return content shared by Google+ users as well as the option to “Explore a hashtag” with relevant hashtag suggestions also listed. This is a great tool to get an idea of what hashtags are popular on Google+. Write a few down that you can use frequently for your Google+ posts.While you are exploring hashtags as suggested above, don’t just look for hashtags that you can use later, but also look at who is using these hashtags. Often, you will find other users who create videos or post content in the same niche or share a general interest with you. Take the time to view their shares and re-share them or +1 the content if you would recommend it to your followers.
Engaging With Other Pages in Your Vlogging NicheAgain, it’s important to keep an eye out for other personal and professional Google+ pages that are similar to your own. Start following other vloggers with similar channels and engage with them. As with all social media, the more you engage, the more you’ll build up your brand and get more people following you and watching your videos.Remember, Google+ may not be quite as big as Facebook, but it still has millions of regular users, and it’s getting bigger every day. Take advantage of this growing social network to take your YouTube channel to the next level by getting involved in communities and conversations related to your vlog topics.