Promote Youtube Channel

Promote Youtube Channel

A blog and a YouTube channel both share the same purpose—they provide a venue for you to express your thoughts. They allow vloggers and bloggers to express their thoughts and opinions about any topic, any time.Having both a blog and a YouTube channel is a great way to reach a broader audience and isn’t that what we ultimately want—to have our thoughts heard by a lot of people?If you have a YouTube channel and a blog, there are many ways that you can use your blog as tool for video promotion. Let’s look at some of those ways here.
Cross Post
To understand how to successfully promote your YouTube channel using your blog, we need to take a step back here and understand one of the most basic ways to promote your videos in the first place—social media!When you create a video, you want it to be seen by as many people as possible. One of the best ways to do this is by setting up a social media account specific to your YouTube channel on Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Facebook—just to name a few. (It is not necessary, nor is it recommended to use every platform.)The important part is to research the platforms your target audience uses most and focus on those specific sites.Now, in order for your blog to be an effective tool for promoting your YouTube channel, your blog needs to have a strong following, right? So you may want to consider setting up individual social media accounts for your blog as well to get the most out of this promotional strategy.It isn’t enough to just have an account. As a social media user, you must interact and reach out to potential viewers to pull them in. If you haven’t already done so, follow these basic tips and tricks to build up followers, likes, and views.
Interact in groups and forums
Comment on blogs and YouTube videos in your niche
Like other pages, follow other tweeters, ect.
Interact with the users of the accounts you follow and like
Post, share, retweet, and pin from others
Once you have established individual accounts for both your channel and your blog, you can share your content on both accounts. Let your blog followers know you have a new video or promote an upcoming video you may be in the process of creating. But don’t overdo it. Use this method sporadically. And if your blog followers respond positively, consider adding more posts about your videos in the future.
Recap YouTube Uploads
If you are having a difficult time refraining from posting about your YouTube channel all over your blog’s fan page, consider doing a biweekly, weekly, or even monthly recap of your videos. Post your favorite vlogs on your blog’s Facebook page or Tweet your favorite video. This will alert your followers that you have content elsewhere without annoying them or pushing them away—especially if your blog and channel are in two different niches.
Follow-up Videos
When a blog post receives an unusually high amount of attention, it is sometimes good—if not necessary—to create a follow-up post. This is a great way to let your readers know you are paying attention to what they like and think. But instead of writing a post, why not upload a video?This is a great opportunity to break up the monotony of regular blog posts and reveal something more about you to the reader. Not to mention, responding to a previous discussed topic through a video is a great way to make the content seem fresh. This is a great way to use blogging for video promotion.
Your readers do not always take the extra step to check out your social media accounts or they may miss your tweets and posts about your videos. So how can you let them know about your other content?
Side Bars
Add a few video links to the sidebar of your blog. Again, you don’t want to use too many. Your readers are there for your blog. But you want to get their attention and put the idea in their head to check out your video, so be methodical about it.
Add-on Videos
When you are really passionate about a topic, it is all too easy to overwrite and it may feel impossible to cut down. In fact, unless you have a group of readers to survey about what they find interesting about your post, it can seem hard for you to remove portions of your work. After all, this is your passion.What you may find to be the most intriguing, the majority of your audience might care less about. How can you fix this while using this situation to promote your YouTube videos?
If your channel and blog share similar topics, consider creating videos that expand on your blog topics. These are not videos that you will embed in your blog post, but instead they are videos you can use in conjunction with your blog post. They are there to bridge the gap between your videos and your blog.So when you find yourself with a long blog post and you feel like every point is important to your topic, cut it into two parts. Start with the blog post and read through it. What might interest only a portion of your audience? What might be better content for your vlog fans? Are there descriptions that may be better shown visually? Take out these sections and piece them together into a video.Once you have checked that the video meets your criteria for a video worthy of your YouTube account, post the link or embed the video in your blog post.
Include a call to action phrase alerting your readers to further information on the topic. It could be something as simple as, “To learn more about my trip to South America, check out this video.” Or you could entice them with a more descriptive line like, “To learn more about my trip to South America and watch me zip line through the treetops, check out my video.”Whether it is short or colorful, make sure the sentence and the link stands out so your readers will see it. It is useful to place a hyperlink to your videos directly in your text if you video expands upon a point you briefly discuss as well.
Supplementary Videos
Similar to the videos we discussed above, you could create videos that better illustrate the main points of your post. Like the follow-up post, throwing in a post with videos every once in a while keeps your content and blog feeling fresh.We often see videos embedded in “how to” posts like “How to Cook the Perfect Pizza” or “How to Beat Level 250 in Candy Crush,” but you don’t have to write a “how to” post to use videos. You could use videos from your YouTube channel to complement reviews on your movie blog or to personalize your “a day in the life” blog.
Get creative. That’s what vlogging and blogging is all about anyway, right? You probably didn’t just wake up yesterday with the perfect vlog idea in mind—or maybe you did. These things do happen. But most of the time, planning a post or a video takes time, thought and sometimes even research. You have to work for it. And now that you know how to employ your blog as a great tool for YouTube video promotion, you’ll start coming up with ways to use these strategies more than you think.