• Lead singer Jason Wade: "That's a super-special song for me. It seems to really connect with other people, too. It's one of those songs that every time I played it, a new part came to it. That's why it's so long and kind of mysterious. It's a bunch of different bits and pieces, but it has power because it kind of sums up everything I'm about lyrically and in terms of my relationships and Lifehouse overall. So I think it's a perfect way to end the record." (thanks, Patti - Mahopac, NY)
  • This song is played in several episodes of Smallville, one of which entitled "Pilot," when Lana Lang goes into her house and Clark Kent is spying on her through his telescope. The other, titled "Tempest," is where Whitney Fordman and Lana Lang dance in the gym for the last time before Whitney joins the Marines. (thanks, Dawson - Draper, UT)
  • There is a skit that goes with this song that has become popular at churches across the US. It involves a girl that starts out loving God, but gradually becomes involved other things that steadily become more harmful, culminating in the girl nearly committing suicide. At the last second, she throws the gun away and runs back to Jesus. (thanks, Jeff - Versailles, IL)
  • Jason Wade: "A lot of people think this is our best song because how it kind of grows and there's the big climax at the end. We've been seeing people proposing to their girlfriends. You look out in the crowd and you know what's happening when everyone's face is turned towards the wall, and you have to spot where the guy is proposing. That's one of those songs where if we didn't play live we'd probably get shot by one of our super-fans! (thanks, Emily - Jtown, PA)

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